Status: I will start writing this once i have updated my current story.

Saving the World

Jera Saunders has tried to live her life without being noticed. She has never acomplished her goal. She attemps to live normally, even though she knows she's different. One day she gets a mysterious letter. Her acceptance into Hogwarts; a school for the magically enabled. She does the same she's always done, be quiet, get good grades, and stay out of everyone's way. Her world is turned upside down by two boys, and using their mischevious ways to get her to come out of her shell. But when she let's her true self out, will they be able to keep her under control? Or have the Weasley twins finally met their match?
  1. Introduction to My World.
    The trouble of it all.
  2. Unexpected Visitor
    Fred. Fred. Fred. That's all that's ever on my mind.
  3. All It Takes Is A Little Bit of Magic to Make All Our Dreams Come True
  4. Attack!
    Suicide Mission.
  5. Explanations
  6. We're Alive.