Sequel: Finding You
Status: Updated at least once a week. Maybe sooner.

Breathe For Me


The sound of Marley's high pitched voice rang in my ears as I was getting ready to leave for work. I sighed, throwing my make up down, grabbing my bags, then headed downstairs.

Marley and I were best friends, since second grade. She was currently a sophomore in college, I was working at the local tattoo shop, as the front desk manager. We currently lived in Miami, Florida together in an apartment. She was twenty years old, I was twenty one years old.

"Elle! Come here! I want to show you something before you leave!" She screeched from her spot on the couch, her laptop placed in her lap. It was a Saturday, so she had today off. I, however, needed the hours at work, so I worked six days a week. I slipped on my plain black TOMs and plopped myself down beside her. I peered at her laptop, seeing a picture of me on a profile I'm sure I've never made.

"Mar, what is that? Why is my photo up there?" I raised one eyebrow at her. She simply smiled and scrolled down the page a little, which had a bunch of my information on it.

"It's a mail order bride website."

"A what?! Why would you put me on there?!" I snatched the laptop, ready to figure out how to delete me off there, when it was taken from my hands by Tyler. our other room mate, who was gay.

"Elle, listen, we're tired of you over working yourself, working so much at that horrible shop. You never go out and have fun any more. You need to meet someone. I know this isn't the best way to do that, but really, it's just for fun. I doubt, no offence, anyone would even try to contact you." He smiled, sitting down on the other side of Marley. I rolled my eyes, huffing heavily, then stood up.

"I hate you both." I grabbed my bags, then a water from the fridge, and made my way out to my car to start my day at work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short. Eh. I don;t know how the mail order bride shit works, so don't jump on my dick about it.
this is only a story, anyways. FICTION. yeah.
So, mhmm. I'm not doing a sequel for It Beats For Two.
I only want to work on one story at a time and I came up with this idea from watching some show about Russian mail order brides.
I am very excited for this, hopefully it will be better than my previous Oli Sykes story.
million dollar question: Kill or Keep?
comment/subscribe, all that jazzness. :)