Sequel: Finding You
Status: Updated at least once a week. Maybe sooner.

Breathe For Me


Marley had that look. That look that I knew meant something had happened, more and likely something bad. I bit my lip and sat on the other couch across from her.

"Okay, Mar, spit it out, what happened?"

It's been two weeks since she signed me up for that stupid website. We haven't had a response, thank God, so I was surprised by her answer.

"This guy, Oli Sykes, or something....." She trailed off, scrolling through something on her laptop. "... says he wants to fly you out to England so he can meet you. He was the only response you got so far. He's really cute, too, come look at his photo."

For a second, I didn't move. I didn't breathe. I just stared at her, dumbfounded. A guy. In England. I actually got a response. Yes, that was bad, in my opinion, but I actually got a response. Of course, I wouldn't go. I mean, this was all a joke anyways.

I got up and joined Marley on the other couch, peering at the laptop screen. I had to admit, she was right; He was cute. He had short, brown hair, piercing hazel eyes, tattoos from the neck down into his shirt. and on his hands, from what I could see. I assumed they were all over his arms, also, considering I couldn't even see his arms since he was wearing a long sleeved shirt. It said he was about to be 25 in November and he was in a band called Bring Me The Horizon. I've never heard of them.

Marley looked over at me and smiled huge. "You're going to go, right? I mean, come on, he's cute! And you've always dreamed of seeing England! You've been talking about it since grade school! This is a great chance for you. And if you turn out to not like each other, you can always come back. It's not like if you go, you two are automatically engaged."

I didn't even have to think about my answer. "No. I will get to England on my own. Yes, he's cute, but for all we know, he could be a murderer! Or a rapist! I don't want my first time being rape, Marley! Email him back and tell him no. Now."

I walked off, upstairs, to my room and slammed my door shut, blocking out the world for a good few hours.


"Dinner!" Marley screeched, causing me to jump and fall off my bed. I groaned, picking myself up, trying to fully wake up. I had fallen asleep after our talk and I wasn't a heavy sleeper, obviously.

I made my way downstairs and sat at the table, noticing Tyler wasn't joining us tonight. I shrugged it off, figuring he went out with his boyfriend or something.

Marley sat down a plate of what looked to be food down in front of me and smiled. She never cooked. Something must have been wrong. We always had take out or Tyler cooked.

"Mar, what happened? You cooked." I asked, pushing the food around on the plate with my fork. I took a small bite and instantly spat it out in a napkin secretly when she wasn't looking. That shit was the definition of horrible. I loved Marley, but she couldn't cook to save her life.

"Well, before you get mad, let me explain, I emailed that Oliver guy back and told him you'd go."

She chose the perfect moment to say that. I was taking a sip of my drink and ended up spewing it everywhere.

"You did what?!" I stared at her with wide eyes, my mouth dropped to the floor.

"Well! You wouldn't have went if I didn't, obviously, and this could be a great experience for you! I took the liberty to do a background check on him and he's clean. No worries. Just go, you'll be gone for three weeks, unless you decide to stay together, then you have 90 days to get married, or you'll have to come back and keep visiting each other if you don't want to do it that soon. Anyways, you can go and see England and meet this cute guy and his band and make friends and have a great time! I've already talked to your boss, and he said it was fine. You leave next week."

With that, she got up, leaving all the dishes out, more and likely for me to wash, and went into her room without even eating.

I just love her to death.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if the information about the visiting and shit is right, but whatever.
it is for this story.
two updates in one night. Someone comment!
seriously. keep or kill?