

I stared at the spot where Andriy had disappeared. I growled, kicking the hospital bed...


This was definitely not good. Andriy wasn't thinking straight...

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. As much as I hated it, I could do nothing, nothing except play along.

Find the Vampire Queen.
I teleported out of the hospital, landing in the woods. I took a deep breath of the forest air before I started walking. No one knew the true location of the hive, and finding a Protector of Secrets at a time like this would take too long. The vampires had to get here fast, and the only way to explain that would be a tunnel entrance.

So that's where I started.

I walked for ages through the trees, the lack of bird calls the only indication of night. The predators were out hunting, no doubt...not just forest creatures, either.

I was sure to surround myself with magic, to make me easy to find. I sat on a rock, patiently waiting...

Sure enough, two vampires emerged from the tree line, barely visible save for the glint of moonlight on their faces and blades.

"I don't want a fight," I said tiredly, holding up my arms.
"I need to speak with the Queen."

"And why," one of the vampires said, taking a step forward, "why would we trust a witch?"

"Because I have information on the medallion."

This caught their attention, drawing out angered hisses as their eyes darkened.

"I don't have it," I said, again holding up my hands in surrender.
"But I do know who does. He wishes to call war on the vampires."