Status: Finished

Thirty Letters in Thirty Days

Day One- The best friend.

You are amazing. You're funny, cute, outgoing, lovable, kind, sweet, social, have such a wide circle. You'll be friends with anybody. I can't think of a single person that thinks you're a bad person. You're accepting of so many things, like nothing will faze you. You have so many good qualities, I can't even get close to listing them all in this letter.
I remember the first day we met. Term two, Friday, at short break, in the LSU. I thought about meeting you the class after. You know what my first impression was of you? "Wow. She's such a lovely girl. I hope I get to know them more." Now, here we are, more than two years later, and you're still perfect. You've been such a good influence on me, and the most wonderful-est friend ever. If I'd asked for the perfect friend, and I got you, I would have said, "She's not perfect. She is way more than that." You're beautiful, inside and out, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. They're just jealous they can't be more like you.
You're amazing, and don't ever change that. I love you for who you are, that amazing little bubble of perfection. If you were a colour, you'd be the whole rainbow. Stay true to yourself, always. You might not be good at everything, but you are where it counts- inside.
Thank you, for everything.