Status: Finished

Thirty Letters in Thirty Days

Day twelve: the hated.

As expected, I hate you. Otherwise, this wouldn't be about you, it would be about somebody else. I don't hate a lot of people. I'm a rather patient and forgiving person when it comes to people. But you... You're just pushing the limit. You're my complete opposite in every way, and yet you still try. That's what really gets me. The fact that you bother trying when I tell you -and we both know- that it's hopeless. You need to learn how to move on. Then, there's all the little things about you that annoy me. Obnoxious, rude, arrogant, stuck-up, pain-in-the-ass, self-involved asswipes like you shouldn't exist on this planet. You're the kind of person that given the power, you could wipe us all out in your stupidity. If I had a gun, and it wasn't illegal, I swear to God I would kill you. Honestly. No joke. And yet you keep coming back for more. I tell you off, I tell you to fuck up and get out, but you keep coming back. You're like some stupid flagellant. I give you pain, and you ask for more, over and over and over and over. Just die, please. You'll do the world a fucking favour.