Status: Finished

Thirty Letters in Thirty Days

Day thirty- the reflection.

I don't know who you are. You're like a person I've just met -your features are unfamiliar, your eyes a mystery. Every time I see you, you're a different person again. I'm beginning to learn who this new person is, but it still isn't me I see. I died and gave you my body. I look at these hands, and I think, "Who do these belong to? Why don't they belong to me? When did I lose my own form, and take this unfamiliar shell?" I hope that one day, I'll learn to see you as myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
FINAL ONE! Aww yeah. Well, I'm not proud of my lack of effort with these, the late ones, the short ones, etcetera etcetera. The list goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on. Anyway, glad this was a waste of time. Until next time,