Status: Finished

Thirty Letters in Thirty Days

Day four: the siblings

I guess I can blame you for my male attributes, you know, growing up with two brothers. You guys have been really influential, me being the middle child. I wouldn't be the same person if I'd grown up without you.
Nate, you're really annoying at times -scrap that, almost all the time- but you have your good times. On those off times, it's good to just talk to you and be absolutely batshit. Like when we're pissing ourselves over Bob Hale, or when you fall off a cliff in Minecraft. Those moments are good. If you weren't ten, and you weren't one of those people that seem to piss me off all the time without good reason, you'd be a pretty good friend. That, and I like stealing your DS to play Zelda.
Azz. Where do I start? You're an awesome guy. Yes you get moody sometimes, but then, I do that too. I get where you're coming from. You know how to treat a sister in just the right way that you come off as a doesn't-give-a-damn asshole, but actually help a lot and know how to lift her spirits. You're also kind of hot. Sorry, I had to say it. If you weren't my brother, and you were my age, and you were single, I would go out with you. You are that good. It sucks that you've moved out, but I'm glad you're happy where you are. And I am still making that Star Wars cake.
So thanks for being there, and supportive (even if it was in your own jackass kind of way), and all that brotherly stuff that bros do. You've both been an influence on my life, and (mostly) not in a bad way.