Status: Finished

Thirty Letters in Thirty Days

Day six: a stranger.

Dear random stranger,
I have no idea what to say. Or who I'm targeting this at. I suppose I could target this at that hobo I walk past most mornings, or that guy that's always cleaning the hotel where my parents park the car. But if you see them all the time, that then renders them familiar, and thus not strangers. So I guess that doesn't work.
So, since I have no idea what to say, I will address this to you. Yes, you, over there. I don't know who you are, where you are, anything about you (unless it's you, Max, or Grace, which I doubt, or maybe even Jess). Hi there! You have no idea who I am, and I have no idea who you are, so we're even. I hope you're having a wonderful life in wherever-you-are, with your wonderful friends like that person over there, and that other person in that place. I hope you enjoy your life, and be awesome. It would suck if you weren't awesome. And because you're reading this, you're awesome. Enjoy your newfound awesomeness.