Status: Ill upload these just as something to read while you wait for the updates of Ditto

Short History - Vampires


The next confrontation took place 5 days later, during which time Gasten had been on the trail of Kagnar and his men. Gasten sent a messenger at the forefront of his lines, shouting at Kagnar that;
“Lord Gasten knows your secret of immortality, and he wants it for his own. Surrender now, or you will face his fury, and we will take it from you with force!”
Kagnar and his men contemplated the proposition. His voice echoed around the valley, a metallic ring, as he called out for his messenger to relay his reply.
“Dayvid!” A small, pitiful figure half-crawled up to his master. After having his orders programmed, Dayvid scuttled past his front line and told the opposing army;
“We are not the ones you want! If you truly seek the secret of eternal life, Pyrus is the one whom holds the answer.” The army of Gasten took this news and set off towards Pyrus’ main fortress, Enapolis.
Pyrus heard of their coming and their reasons for doing so. He laughed, remembering how his previous subjects, also affected by the deadly Sanguivarian disease, had perished at the introduction of the Vampire virus.
“Too easy”, he thought.
After swift negotiations, Pyrus took out a vial of his blood and implanted it in Gasten and his generals. In turn, they infected the rest of his army using the same method by which Pyrus undertook. His army left.

A day later, the virus began to take its toll. The Gastenites’ health began to diminish, then the rosy glow left from the heat of their bodies departed their cheeks and the bright luminescent light faded from their eyes. Their corpses rotted over two weeks. The deserted town they were occupying soon reeked of a sickly, overpowering stench of festering skin and meat. The victims awoke, gratified at their second chance, terrified at their vile image. Gasten rallied his comrades.
“Comrades! We may be deformed now, ugly and terrifying. But! We must use this to our advantage. We will not hide our form, but display it in all its grisly image. Our enemies will fear us; we will be their worst nightmare.”
The undead men cheered a terrific cry of servitude.
“We now have an excuse to battle that old fool, Kagnar. We will state that he wronged us, that this is not what not we wanted!” A listener called out from the crowd;
“But did we not have a reason before, that we are contesting for his territory?”
“Quiet!” The rebel was silenced. “We will march to him and his army. With our new found powers, they do not stand a chance against the fury of Gasten! This war is ours!”
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Next - the two armies clash