Status: Working on it. :3

To the End and Back

Chapter one: Believing

July 5th, 2011
Some people believe in it, others don't. I'll admit that I didn't believe in such a thing..until it happened. I had heard of it before..but I didnt really think it would happen. I've never believed in stuff like that, ghosts, monsters, aliens...and definately not zombies. So when I saw it on the news, I was a little caught off guard.

I never in a million years, thought that I would ever see the headline "Zombie Apocalypse" being splashed across my tv screen. For the people who had always believed that it would happen, that the world would come to an end, that everyone would eventually be infected and turned into man-eating zombies..they were a little more prepared than I was.

"Stay home, lock all doors, lock all windows. Do not go ANYWHERE. All roads closed for safety." I remember waking up to those words. I thought they were talking about a child molester, or some creepy guy with a gun..anything would've been better then what was REALLY going on. "If you do come across a zombie, it's best to find some way to cut its head off" I heard the news woman saying, in a scared, worried voice. I glanced at the tv, she kept looking around, watching for a zombie to pop out and eat her at any second.

When I had finally fully waken up, and had realized what was going on, I grabbed a huge kitchen knife and immediatly ran upstairs to check on Mom, Dad, and Sam. I crept slowly down the hallway, towards my parents room. When I came to their door, I stood there, frozen in fear. I didn't want to open the door..I was too afraid of what I was going to see behind it. It took me about 10 minutes to gain enough strength to slowly prop open the door. I stuck my head inside their room, and looked for my parents. I didn't see them. I opened the door all the way, and walked into their bathroom. There they were. Dead. On the floor. Covered in their own blood. That must mean that there's still a zombie in the house. Realizing this, I quickly spun around, looking for any other signs of the zombie. The closet. It's the only other place it could be. I opened their door and saw it. It was average height, and had a little bit of a slouch. There it was, just standing there in my parent's closet..covered in their blood. I was scared. I swear I pissed my pants when it turned it head toward me. It stared at me for a while, then suddenly lunged for me. I screamed, panicked, and stabbed it in the neck. Then I remembered "If you do come across a zombie, its best to find some way to cut it's head off", and that's what I did. I was frozen with fear when I saw it's head plop off and bounce next to my feet. Then I remembered my sister.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun Dunn DUNN.
Yess, it's short. But it's only the first chapter.
Any ideas for the next chapter?
Thanks holmes.