Status: adding when i can, please comment.

A father and daughter bond broken.

Becky Alyssa Haner is 13 years old and is going through treatment for a tumour in her brain, her parents Brian and Michelle can't deal with it and send her to go live with her grandparents. As she gets weaker, she sleeps more, she finds she can't go everything she use to do, she starts to feel helpless. When her parents come to see her, they see her emotional and physical changes, shes not the happy go lucky child she use to be.

I do not own any characters that you recognize

P.S there will be mistakes as my computer has gone haywire, but I will rewrite when I get my new laptop and fix any mistakes.
  1. Meeting the rents.
  2. Hard times and visits.
    May rewrite this chapter.
  3. James
    young love and another upset