Through Mary Jane's Eyes

As an introduction, I would like to make it clear that this may or may not have a point to it. It might sound like I’m just rambling on, or it may sound philosophical to others. I just want to write something that makes people think, and something that also helps me express myself a little better.

Let me also explain—I was half inspired to write this because of a few college classes/textbooks that deal with philosophy, psychology, science & pseudoscience, etc. and the other half of my inspiration comes from the fact that I am a (closet) stoner. I don’t get to share my thoughts with a lot of people who actually care. So, this will be compiled of both my high and sober thoughts. Sober chapters will be titled normally; high will be titled in between quotations so you can tell them apart.

Also, I hope this is an acceptable place to post this type of thing.

Read on, and I hope you enjoy it and that it gets you thinking as well. :)