Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

This Guilt Could Kill a ***ing Sea

I haven't talked to my sister in over a week and honestly I felt really bad. I hadn't meant to be so harsh towards her its just shes my baby sis and I need to look out for her. I have been staying with my little bro Tom for the past week, so I had no idea would Zee be but I am going to find out. I need to apologize...

I pulled into the driveway and walked into the house. "Zee!" I shouted throughout the house. but no answer. I walked up stairs skipping two at a time to get up them. I quickly walked into Zee's room and noticed everything was packed up. I saw a note laying on the bed so I picked it up.

"Dear Oli I didn't mean to walk out like this but you made it loud and clear how you felt, so I decided to get out of your hair for a bit. Don't worry where I am staying I will be in good hands. I hope someday you can forgive me. I'll miss you Oli-pop...-Love you Zee"

I fell to my knees, with my head down. How could she leave like this. I was going to apologize too! and now shes gone...I have to find her. I went downstairs and called up Ben. After two rings he picked up.
"Hey Bro have you seen Zee, and do you know where might be?"
"Uhhmm nah Oli I haven't even spoke to her since last week. I feel kinda bad."
"Dude me too that's why I was going to come over here today and apologize but she's gone man.."
"Oh shit seriously! Do you want me to come over and help you look for her?"
"Sure if you wanna come by , I'll be at the house and we can go from there."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone, I pray to god that she's alright...

I pulled up to the fight club and Blade instantly let me in. I still had my cast on but in a week or two I could get it off. I didn't have to worry about covering up my bruises because Oli never came home so I packed up my shit after a couple days and moved in with Cari again. Ben or Cameron haven't talked to me and I feel horrible. I haven't been myself lately and everyone one who still cared could see it.

I haven't been getting any sleep or eating anything. The only way I can still even get around is by drinking a ton of water and shit. I know its not the best but I know if i try and eat something I wont be able to hold it down for very long. I put my bag in my little cubby hole thing everyone here gets, and changed my clothes so i wouldn't get them dirty.

I won the fight hands down and I quickly got changed out of my clothes and left. As I was walking to my car I was jumped by very first guy I fought here! He punched me in the face, and then kicked me in the ribs. I tried to fight back but I had just gotten out of a fight and I barely had energy to begin with. He stepped on my good hand and put all of his weight on it and twisted his foot back and forth until he heard a satisfying crunch. I let out a loud yelp but he kicked me in the cheek and told me to shut up. He finally left me alone after a few good more kicks. And yet here I was laying on the ground bloodied and bruised with no one to help me....
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heeey guys, I just wanted to say thanks for reading my story! and woop woop i just got 10 subs!! :DD Thanks for whoever subbed, it means a lot and tells me that you like the story <3
Musical Inspiration: BOTDF-Yo Ho and Star Power/BVB-Ritual :)