Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

They Hold Us Down Like Anchors. They Drown Us Out At Sea.

Oli and I had been searching everywhere for her. My brother and her friend Cari even said they hadn't heard from her in a while. Oli looked beat so I offered to take him home. He agreed after a bit of arguing and I dropped him off at his house 20 minutes later.

I headed out for the local bar, I needed to take my mind off of Zee for a little bit and plus I just really needed a drink. Just as I was about to leave my car my phone started ringing. Below my undead body, just danced the circle of the dead. Until the time to reunite us both- I answered the phone seeing it was from Cameron. I hadn't heard from him much either. I guess he was depressed of something. Maybe Zee finally broke up with him? I have no idea though.

"Hey mate whats up?" I heard a sigh at the other end then e finally started to talk. "Dude Zee's in the hospital. You should get Oli and come down to the hospital down on State Street." He hung up the phone. I could feel my color start to drain from my face. I started my car back up and sped off towards Oli's house again.

I left the car running and sprinted up to Oli's door. I pounded on the door with all my force. Finally a tired looking Oli opened the door. I told him about the phone call and we both rushed back to my car and off in the direction of the hospital.

Oli jumped out of the car and ran up to the receptionist. "OI! What room is Zelda Sykes in, I'm her brother!" He roared at the woman behind the desk. "Sir please calm down shes in the ICU right now in a coma. The doctor said she shouldn't be in a coma for too long but only time will tell. You may go see her right now. Also her cousin was in there earlier but you seemed to have just missed him." Oli nodded and headed off in the direction of the ICU.

I just sat there helpless, there was nothing I could do but to pray that she would be alright. I feel like a douche because I cut her out off my life. I paced back and forth in the waiting room hall. I decided to walk down the street a bit to the gas station.

She was on my mind the entire walk. As I entered the building I say I familiar head of hair. "CAM!" He quickly turned around and his somewhat smile that was on his face, turned into a scowl. What the fuck? I walked over to him to see what the hell his problem was.

"Cam what the hell man, whats wrong?" If looks could kill I should be 6 feet underground at the moment. After a pause he finally began to speak. "You wanna know what the fuck my problem is? Its you! Yeah you didn't think I saw the way Zee looks at you when you enter the room, or how her eyes sparkle when you talk to her. Your the reason she broke up with me you ass! Honestly she was the greatest thing to happen to me in a while and of course whatever Ben fucking wants Ben gets! Im sick of your shit! You ruined everything for me!

I couldn't believe the shit that was coming out of this kids mouth right now! It took almost all of my will power not to punch him square in the face. "You know what Cam pull the fucking tampon outta your ass mate! I didn't mean for her to like me now instead of you. I cant fucking control it! So why don't you stop blaming other people for your problems, and take a look at yourself for once." And with that I walked out of the gas station.

By the time I got back to the hospital I was fuming. Cam is fucking lucky I can control myself, or else he would have to be at the hospital right now too. Just as I sat down, a bunch of nurses and two doctors rushed into the ICU. Shit, was that for Zee? Oli was escorted out of there and I was he had tears in his eyes.

Damn it! So all of those nurses were for her. I sat Oli down and gave him a bro hug. After he composed himself he told me what happened. He said her breathing stopped and that she was loosing control over her body. I could even feel the tears pricking my eyes. I couldn't loose her, not now not ever.

I will save her if its the last thing I do
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I know its probably not the best but I had an amazing chapter I was going to post yesterday but as I hit preview Mibba decided to be a dick and told me I had to log in again. Making me lose the whole chapter -_____- Oh and a big thank you to whoever subbed I'm now at 15! and 114 views! It may not seem like much but it means the world to me :D
Musical Inspiration: Iron Maiden-Dance of the Dead