Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

Why Would He Believe In Me?

I woke up to a white light and unfimilar voices. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and took in my surroundings. Somehow I ended up in a hospital? but how? Just then a doctor walked in and started asking me 101 questions, he called nurses in and it started getting really claustrophobic in here.

"Okay I will start with some simple questions, does that sound good?" I nodded my head and he started. "Okay tell me your first and last name please." What was my name? "Ummm Taylor?" That's sounds like a good name maybe it's mine. "No it's not. Okay what month and day were you born on?" I just stared blankly at him. He wrote something down on his clip board and told me he was going to bring someone in here. I agreed and waiting paitently for him to return.

He came back in very quickly with a tall boy covered in tattoo's, they suited him well though. I was fascinated with the rose on his neck, it was so perfect and beautiful. The boy was also very attractive if I do say so myself. His brown hair was tossed about on his head and he wore a shirt with a dinosaur riding a trycicle, black skinny jeans and a pair of vans. The boy looked at me and he had tears start to form in his eyes.

"Aww don't cry, I'm sure whatever is wrong will get better." I reassured him, I may not know who he is but, something told me to comfort him. This caused the boy to break down even more.

He walked over to me and threw his arms around my neck. I patted his back awkwardly while he started there crying. "Do you know who this boy is, by any chance?" I shook my head no and this made the boy start to cry even more if that's possible. I held on tightly to him, not knowing what else to do. The doctor left me and the crying boy alone for a bit.

"Zee do you really not know who I am?" Asked the boy. I looked at him confused, was my name really Zee? "Umm no, I'm sorry should I though? And is my name really Zee?" He positioned himself better on my bed and started at me for a bit before he started to talk again.

"Well your full name is Zelda June Sykes, and my name is Oliver Scott Sykes and I'm your brother." My hand flew to my mouth, was this boy really my brother!? Why can't I remember anything either! Tears pricked my eyes but I somehow managed to hold them back. I looked up to the boy to find him starring back at me. "Oliver, why can't I remember anything..." The look on his face made me finally break down. I let the tears fall freely now, and Oliver embraced me in a hug. "Oliver help me, I wanna remember who I am." My body started shaking as if I could t control it anymore. Oliver held me even tighter, and I leaned into him.

I heard the door open and I lifted my head up off of Oliver's shoulder. Another boy walked in who was also tall and cover in tattoos, he had long almost like rust coloured hair, and he was far more attractive than Oliver. He strode over to Oliver whispered something to him. Oliver shook his head no and the new boy had a worried look on his face now too. Oliver whispered something again to the other boy and the boy had a pained expression on his face now. "Excuse me, but if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" The boy started at me for a minute before speaking. "I'm Ben a-and umm I'm in love with you..." I starred back at him, why would he love me I don't even know who he is...

Ben I have no idea who you are but something's telling me that I should give you a chance.
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Woohoo! I have 17 subs, 136 views on my first chapter, and 4 new comments :D A shout out too Neon_Skies_Killjoy, OHAIzeldacakes, cityrockerfashion6, and Princessplague15 Thank you for the wonderful comments!
Musical Inspiration: Juular-The Devin Townsend Project
I will be posting probably one chapter a day now until Saturday :3