Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

I Can't See Through The Tears In My Eyes

*About 2 months later*

I have been remembering little bits and pieces of my life, but I can't remember some of my teenage years. Ben and myself have been growing closer, him and Oli have been working on trying to get my memory back. Right now I'm trying to find Ben.

Hmmm maybe he's in the home theatre? I walk in and see Ben laying on one of the couches, watching Silent Hill. I decided to scare him, I sneak quietly against the wall. Right as a scary part is about to come on in the movie I jump and land on Bens lower half.

He let out an "ooof" and a tiny bit of a scream before looking at me with a glare. "Geez Zee get off you way a ton." I know he was kidding but something sparked in me, then in all came flooding back in. The name calling, the teasing, everything from back in high school. I stood up and walked out of the room.

I had to find Oli, he is the only one I need right now. "Zee wait up, what wrong!" I heard the asshole say. I kept on walking, praying he wouldn't run after me. But just as if the universe was against me I heard him start to follow me. "Zee, please talk to me! What did I do?"

"It's not what you did Ben, it's what you said!" and with that I went into my room forgetting to find Oli and slammed the door right in his face. I slid down the door with my head in my hands. I brought my knees up and just sat there. I can't believe I was actually going to let myself fall for him.

I had to have been in my room for atleast 3 hours, and I doubt anyone was in the house anymore. I stood up and peaked through my door a little bit to see if the coast was clear. It seemed safe, so I emerged from my room and slowly started making my way down the hall. I thought I had made it but just then I heard the Devil himself start to call my name.

I quickly ran down the stairs and into the basement that was turned into a gaming room. I shut the door with such force it must have shook the whole house. I went over to the home phone that was inthe corner and decided to call Oli. It took him about 4 rings but he finally picked up. "Hey Oli, where are you?" He told me he was with Matt and that he would be back in about an hour. "Oh and Oli I remember everything now." and with that I hung the phone up.

I played one round of Mortal Combat, before I finally got the courage not to give a flying fuck about if Ben was in the house or not. I went into the kitchen and fixed myself a PB&J. I heard the floor above me creak which meant only one thing, "he" was coming down stairs.

I pulled myself together and didn't let it even phase me. I could feel a presence behind me and my body just tensed automatically. He spun me around and looked deep into my eyes. "Zee please tell me what I did wrong, I don't want to loose you again." I could see the sencerity and sadness in his eyes.

"Ben I remember everything. All the teasing you did back in highschool, how you would get some of your friends to join in. You brought all of it back when you said I weigh a ton. I know it may seem like I'm being a drama queen, but you have no idea what effect that had on me."

He looked sorrowful at me before he leaned down and kissed my lips. I was so surprised by his actions I didn't have time to react. He pulled away seconds later, then he spoke: "Zee I'm sorry, I never meant to cause you pain. Just know I will always be there waiting for the day you want to be in my arms." With that he walked away.

I stood there stunned. I thought back on all my emotions, even with all the anger toward him, I found myself having feelings of love towards him. I sat on the counter and just thought about my feelings.

The door opening brought me out of my trance and then I realised Oli must be home. I jumped off the counter and raced towards the door. I ran and jumped on Oli, luckily his reflexes were quick and he caught me just in time. I gave him a great big bear hug and the a kiss on the cheek.

He chuckled and his frame shook along with mine. He brought me over to the couch and put me down. We caught up on things and the I decided I wanted to bring the Ben situation up to my brother. "Oli I don't know what to do with my feelings I have for someone." Before I could even continue he asked if they were for Ben. Damn was he good, I shook my head yes and the he started to talk.

"Zee I see the way he looks at you, there is no denying that he has true feelings for you. I havent seen him look at anyone like that in awhile Zee. He needs you and you need him whether you know it or not." Oli started into my eyes as if he were searching for something. I nodded my head and the I knew what I had to do.

I got up off the couch and walked up the stairs. I open Ben's door without knocking, and saw him laying there looking up at the ceiling. I marched over to his bed, straddled him and brought my head down for a passion filled kiss. He immediately reacted by missing back. It was so nice to feel the love radianting off our bodies. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He rolled me off of him and by him side, and that's where I put my head on his chest listening to his steady heart beat bring me to sleep.
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I quite liked this chapter ^_^ Thanks for the comments people have given me, it brightens my whole day when I see I have a new comment on here :) I think I got 3 more subs? but I'm not entirely sure, hopefully you guys like this chapter and I might post another one tonight. If I don't post one tomorrow I would just like to wish you guys a happy holiday :3
Musical Inspiration: Greeley Estates: I shot the maid, and If I could be Frank, you're ugly!