Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

Heart Attacks Waiting To Happen

Well, school was almost over and let me just catch you up on a few things. My crush on Ben grew a lot since he practically lived at my house. This one time I almost had a heart attack from him. It was early in the morning and I was just about to go take a shower and here comes Ben with a just a towel around him. A fucking towel...I literraly changed five different shadows of red. But wait it gets better, the schools slut took an intrest in him, and they have been going strong for about umm I think about 3 months so far. Not that I have been counting or anything, hehe.

Today was just a normal school day or as I thought. It was me, Cari, Ben, Oli, and Matt all sitting at a table for lunch. Then Ben's girlfriend came over with her bitches. She shot me a dirty look and sat down on Ben's lap I seriously think the only reason they are going out is because she puts out. But hey what do I know? Then of course they had to start a Tongue war at the table. "Oi man get a room!!" shouted Oli and Matt at the same time. It was rather creepy.

She got off of Benn and asked to talk to me alone. Oh great, like this won't end up badly. I followed her out of the cafeteria and to the girls bathroom. She looked in all of the stalls making sure no one was there and that's when she fucking attacked me! Like full on pulling my hair and scratching. She pushed me against the wall and said: "Listen her whore, I see the way you've been looking at Ben, and FYI he doesn't like you! Get that threw you fat head. Why would he I mean you're fat, ugly, you have what like one friend, and you dress horribly! I mean are you that retarded! I'm going to say this one time and one time only. BACK THE HELL OFF, BEN DOESN'T LIKE YOU! NO ONE WILL!!" I could feel the tears welling up and it wasn't because she hurt me physically it was because she hurt me mentally and emotionally. I shook my head and ran out of the bathroom then out of the school. She was right, everything she said was right. I ran home hoping I lost some weight in the process. When I got home luckily mum was out so I had the house to myself. I needed this wake up call.
It was a week before school let out and guess what I had made a new friend! His name is Damon and we met that day I ran out of the school. I was at the mall sitting on one of the benches when he walked by and sat down with me. He said it looked like I needed a hug. He was so nice and not it the creepy pedophile kinda way. I also got a shock of a lifetime when he said he was Ben's older brother!! It didn't matter though because Damon liked me for me but in a friend way since he said he was Bi which I had no problem with. So like I said it is only one more week before I leave this hell hole already. And oh boy I get three more years of this shit. yay me....
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I just couldn't help myself I needed to get another chapter out! Im really excited about this story, I hope it does well. I'm in the writing kinda mood so I might post chapter 3 up tonight as well! :D
Musical Inspiration: Pantera-Walk/Drag The Waters
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