Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

So Come A Little Closer

>>Fast Forward To Graduation>>
(I know it a big time gap but I didn't feel like having 10 chapters just about her being in highschool until she graduates.)

So today's the big day: graduation... I was nervous to say the least, Oli said mum couldn't make it but he said he could, also Cari, Damon, and even Ben said they were going to be there. Finally it was my turn to get my diploma, I wave to Oli and the rest of the gang before I left the stage. Before I knew it, I was throwing my white cap into the air. There was a mix between White and black hats(black being for guys white for girls). Time seemed to fly by for me, I was still yet to get over Ben, and it hurt me everytime he was with another girl but I had to live with it. This summer I was goin to change. I was tired of being just a "friend" to guys, I wanted something more. So I called up Cari and Damon and had them come over immediately. We discussed how I wanted to better myself and the first thing I did was move away from Oli with my graduation money, it's not like I was going to college, so it really didn't matter what I did with my money. I got an apartment in York along with Cari and Damon.

I mean I felt bad because I kinda just picked up myself and left, without as much as a goodbye. But I needed to do this for myself, it was my time to focus on me. The next step was to loose the baby fat. Seriously the only thing I ate were fruits and veggies and I worked out 24/7. By July I had lost a totally of 30 pounds so I was down to 130. I wanted to loose another 20-30 I know it sound like a lot but its my body. Hopefully my appearce will change a bit too so I'm not so fugly...
Well it has been four years since I moved and I can honestly say I don't regret it. Oli had made it big with his band "Bring Me The Horizon" I try and make it to any of their concerts when they are by me, and thankfully Oli has not yet seen me. But then again he probably doesnt even recognise me. I had now long wavy black hair. Curves in the right places, lost the weight and now to a comfortable weight of 105. Oh and I also grew about five inches so I'm 5'7. I have boobs, and my sense of style is waaaay better now. This all happened over the four years I had left.
Damon and Cari even have to beat off some guys for me now. It feels great to fiinally feel pretty. I got my first boyfriend finally after Cari and Damon decided he was good enough. His name was Billy and we were inspeperable. Until I found him cheating on me with his ex. I havent seen Ben but I know he is in a band now called "Asking Alexandria" I guess they are pretty good.

I have the sudden urge to see my brother after all these years, so now that I have explained myself in the last four years here I am 22 and I'm going to see my brother, in concert and I'm going to confron him. Damon's the only one going so I'm listening to him talk about some hot guy he saw at the mall. "Zelda are you even listening to me?"

"Huh? what? oh yeah I am, Damon you should totally go for it, I mean it was would be his lost if he said no." He gave me a smile and told me that we were almost at the venue. That's when my nerves started to kick in. What if he didn't want to see me since I just got up and left. He parked the car and we walked over to give the guy our tickets. We entered the arena and it was packed! I then heard the opening to "Pray for Plagues" The lights dimmed and Oli started screaming, a mosh pit started literally in seconds. Me and Damon pushed and punched our way to the front. It seems like we were only there for seconds before the concert ended. I finally had to face my fears and confront Oli. Damon and myself made our way to the back stage area, and that's when I saw them. Oli and Ben. Oh fuck.

I sucked it up and marched over to them. I tapped Oli on the shoulder and he spun around. "Well Hello there pretty lady, what do you want me to sign?" It was hard not to laugh at him, I mean did I really change that much? I smirked at the name I was going to call him. "Why Olipop you don't recognise me?" His jaw dropped at the name. "Z-Zelda?"

I nodded and he brought me into a bone crushing hug. I felt some wet touch my skin and it clicked that Oli was crying, I even felt myself tear up. I missed him so much, I needed him and I chose not to go and get him...He picked his head back up and looked at me again. "Holy smokes Zee you look good!! But dont get all creeped out since I'm your bro. Oh and you're coming home with me so we"

Of course Oli would want to "talk" his talking actually means his going to flip a bitch at me. yay! Just what I wanted...I heard someone clear there throat, and I peeked over Oli's shoulder to see Ben there and I hate to say it, but he looked hot. Shit! Control yourself Zelda, you worked on this, you're over him now. "Oh hey Ben." I gave him a friendly smile. He returned the gesture. Oli grabbed my hand and he led my to the his dressing room thing, where he gave me a look as to say "Fucking explain yourself now!" Oh boy....
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#3! Comments/Feedback pleaseeee :D
Musical Inspiration: The Beatles-Hey Jude/Help!
sorry for mistakes!!