Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

Oh Baby Maybe Your Just Not The One

*Ben's POV*

I drove back to my apartment and oh joy my girlfriend Carol was there. I sighed deeply and stepped out of the car. As I was approaching the door I heard something shatter inside. Hopefully it wasn't my guitar on the wall to our bedroom. I unlocked the door and as soon as I could clearly hear the noise I was fucking pissed. I have neve been cheated on I mean I was the cheater at some points but never the cheatee in this case I guess you could say.

Oh and what do ya know that lound bang was my fucking guitar signed by George Harrison from The Beatles. At this point I was fuming. I kicked in the bedroom door to see my girlfriend basically going to town on some dude. Still fucking unknown by my presence I shouted her name and knocked over a picture frame with us together on the beach. She quickly pulled her dress that was on the floor. "Ben really it's not what it seems, he came onto me an-" I cut her off by punching a hole in the wall. She flinched a little and I really could not give a flying fuck right now. The thing that really pissed me off though was how I couldn't kick her out considering this place was in her name. That bitch. I packed up most of my clothes and walked out of the apartment with her still begging me to forgive her.

I threw my shit into the back and drove off the Danny's house. I knocked three times and when no one answered I figured he was out at the club. Fuck! what am I supposed to do now!? I then had to suck up my pride and rode back over to Oli's house hoping he will let me stay there until I can find my own place.
~Zelda's POV~

Geez what was up Ben's ass when he left. Oli was still floating around in the pool and I decided to text Cameron.

Z:Heyy Cameron!~Unicorn Pancakes~
C:Oh hey Zee :) nice signature lol-Sex,Drugs,and Chemical Reactions-
Z:haha very funny, I was going to see if you wanted to hangout but since you made fun of me nevermind now...oh and like yours is any better :P~Unicorn Pancakes~
C:awww I'm sorry, forgive me pleasee*gives puppy dog eyes* and I would love to hangout :D-Sex,Drugs,and Chemical Reactions-
Z:well you're NOT forgiven, you can make it up to me by taking me to the movies tho! ;)~Unicorn Pancakes~
C:oh alright if that's what it takes for you to forgive me I'm willing to take the chance, lol be there at like 10 okay? See you then ;)-Sex,Drugs,and Chemical Reactions-
Z:sounds good see you at 10~Unicorn Pancakes~

He didn't text back so I decided to go and get ready even though it was only 8:30. I took a shower, and picked out my outfit. I was done at 9:15 so I had some time to kill before Cameron would be here to pick me up. At 9:30 there was a knock on the door, and to my surprise it was Ben. "Well look who it is Mr.-I've-got-a-stick-up-my-ass." I sneered. if he was going to be a little bitch then let him. Two can play at that game. He just rolled his eyes and asked to speak with Oli. I told him where to find him and then Ben disappeared down the hallway. 10 finally rolled around and I yelled to Oli I was going out, just as I reached for the door nob, I could hear two sets of heavy footsteps come running towards me. Both Oli and Ben were giving me the third degree, I answered all of Oli's questions but not Ben's it wasn't in his place to know. Oli gave me the okay and told me to be home before 3, while Ben looked pained or some shit, I really could care less about him at the moment. I said goodbye and jumped into Cameron's nice ass car.

We got to the movies and luckily there weren't many people out. We both decided to see Insidious. I know it was only so Cameron could have an excuse to hold me, but I liked horror movies so it would really affect me too much seeing in in a theatre. I paid for the tickets even though I had to literally fight Cameron on it. We had a thumb war, and thankfully I won, I mean it was my idea so I should pay. He declared that he was going to buy us ice cream, so it all evened out really.

Cameron was really sweet throughout the night and I had a really nice time with him. He walked me to the house and he kissed my cheek, and said good night. I felt bad because he was so nice to me, so I ran over to him and kissed him on the lips. No tongue, but there was passion behind this kiss. We both pulled away and said good bye again.

I walked into the house and saw boxes everywhere. "Oi! Oli why the fuck are there boxes everywhere, I thought we said we would go and pick my stuff up in the next couple of days!?" I shouted to him. Oli came walking out from the kitchen and dropped a big ass bomb on me.

"Dumbass these aren't yours, they're Ben's he is moving in." Oh shit I know this won't turn out well...
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Feedback/Comment pleaseeee? Musical Inspiration:Skrillex-Weekends!! and Hey Sexy Lady :D
Zelda's Date Outfit