Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

You Can't Lie Your Way Out Of This One

Zee stormed past me and Oli upstairs somewhere. Oli let out a long sigh, “Oli want me to have a talk with her?” He shook his head walked into the kitchen. I then remembered who Zee went out with tonight. I called up Cameron and asked him how his date went.
B: Hey man, how was your date?
C: Oh hey Ben, yeah it went really good! She’s really funny, sweet, and not to mention she’s super hot.
B: Oh well that’s good to hear, but hey talk to you tomorrow I gotta go bye.

I was clutching my phone so tight my knuckles turned white. I know I shouldn’t be jealous, but I just can’t help it. I don’t even know how Oli is okay with this kinda stuff. I walked upstairs to hear Zee on the phone. “Yeah Damon, he’s living with us now!...I know but do you know how hard its going to be?...I know but-…Yeah,your right, its just…Uhh no Damon…Just because you’re his brother doesn’t mean shit…No your not right…Damon I'm hanging up right now…YOU CANT BLACKMAIL ME!...Oh you said feel free to call me, hehe my bad…Okay bye.”

I quickly ran to my room in case she left her room. Why was she talking to Damon for? I didn’t even know they were friends...I wonder why she was talking about me. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was 1:30 and I had a new text message:

Dear Ben, the last eight months have been a blast but I just feel like we’ve been drifting apart, so much so that I had to go and cheat, I know it was wrong of me and I truly am sorry. We may not have seen eye to eye on something’s but we’ve always managed to work it out. This however can not be fixed with you on the road for six months at a time; it took a toll on me. I must confess something else; when you were on the four month tour I cheated on you also. I just had to get that off of my chest. I know it was wrong on me but what’s done is done and hopefully we could be possible friends. -Carol

Wow…Well at least she won’t be on my back begging to get back together. I sighed and dropped my phone on my bed and stripped down to my boxers. I went down stairs to get a glass of water and there was Zee head on the table asleep. She looked so cute. I gently picked her up bridal style and brought her back to her room. Just as I was about to leave, I heard her call out my name. “Ben” I didn’t say anything and quietly walked out of her room.

I ran to my room and shut the door. Oh god I might actually have deeper feelings than just liking her. I sighed and lied down on my bed. That was the first night I’ve ever dreamed about Zelda.

I awoke with the sun shining brightly on my face. I groaned and tried to go back to sleep, the next thing I knew someone was jumping on my bed. I let out a growl, but the person just kept on jumping. “Benji, wakey wakey.” I heard Zee say. “Zee go away.” I heard her jump off the bed and I thought she was gone but the next thing I knew she had to have got a running start because she landed on top of me.

“Oi you cow, get off.” I said while laughing. She started laughing too but didn’t move a muscle. She told me to get dressed and then she left. I finally gave in and got ready. For some reason Zee was in short shorts and a bikini top. I greeted Oli and Zee and walked over to get some food. Zee then abruptly stood up and walked out of the house. “Hey dude where is your sister going dressed like that?” Oli said she was washing her car. Watch it be some super girly car, curiosity got the best of me and I walked outside to see what car she had.

Holy shit, she had herself a 1971 green Nova. My eyes were wide for two things one was the car the other was Zee. She looked ridiculously hot right now. There was a possible chance of me getting a boner right now, and honestly I didn’t give a fuck. I couldn’t even focus right now so when Zee sprayed the house of me I didn’t even see it coming. She drenched me from head to toe. I ran after her and she left out a little scream and took of running. I followed quickly behind her, and so she started picking up speed.

I saw in front of her there was a crack in the sidewalk and if she is still half as clumsy as she was in high school than I know she’s gunna trip. Just as I was about to warn her she tripped and fell on her arm. I could hear a sickly crunch and her scream filled the air. I bent down to see the damage. I know she was trying to fight the tears because anyone would be crying right now if your bone was sticking out of your arm!

I told her everything would be alright and I call 911. I told them everything they needed to know and they said they would be here shortly. I kept whispering in her ear saying everything would be okay. I called Oli and told him just to meet us at the hospital. The ambulance came and loaded her into it, I jumped in with her and held her good arms hand in mine. She looked up at me and smiled. This moment right here when she didnt pull away from me, I knew what I was feeling was more than just a crush.
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Feedback/Comments pleasee?
Musical Inspiration: 30 Seconds To Mars-The Kill, Hurricane, and Closer To The Edge :)