Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

You Loved It When My Heart Stopped

I was freaking out! Over two things actually, one being I broke my arm! and two I might have a tiny itty bitty crush on Ben. I know, I know I have Cameron but there's just something about Ben still. Finally we arrived at the hospital and they rushed me into wherever they go for broken bones, I really don't know what it's called I was zoning in and out of things.

It seems the next thing I know I had a neon purple cast on going to just below my elbow. Ben, Oli, and Cameron were sitting in the room with me watching t.v. I coughed loudly on purpose and got everyone's attention. Oli came rushing over and gave be a bone crushing hug. I hugged him back with one arm because I was way to lazy to pick up my other heavy ass arm.

Next was Cameron he told me how sorry he was and how he should have been there. Was it completely terrible that the whole time he was talking I was looking at Ben? Yes? Okay yeah that's what I thought to...The doctor came in shortly and told me I could leave once Oli signed me out. Oli came back shortly and helped me off the bed.

I rode with him while Cameron took Ben with him even though Ben protested. I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. Oli blasted some H.I.M. and we both sang along "I've been burning in water and drowning in flames." I started laughing at Oli because he did his own scream-o version of it. He unintentionally hit a bump and my arm hit the window pretty hard. "BALLS OLI WATCH IT!?" "Sorry love"

We got back to the house and Ben was there with Cameron in the Pool. I have to say Ben sure did look good.GOD DAMN IT! I have Cameron I need to fucking stop! I got out of the car and went upstairs to change into my swimsuit even though I can't go in the water. I tried my best to take of my top with one hand but yeah it didn't work too well. "OLI....BEN....CAMERON?!" No answer just great.

I sat on my bed and waited with my shirt over one side of my shoulder. I heard someone come into the house so I yelled again "OI CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!" The person had to of heard me because they came up the stairs. The door opened to reveal Ben. Of course it would be him. "Zee... what did you do?" I could tell he wanted to laugh but he was trying his best to hold it in. "I was trying to change but ya know having only one arm helps." He chuckled softly and walked over to me.

He was still wet so. tiny little water droplets ran down he toned chest. I couldn't help but stare. "Take a picture I'll last longer." I blushed hardcore. He gently removed my shirt and then he grabbed me a new shirt to put on. I know I wanted to put on my swimsuit but I didn't want Ben to help me with that. He stopped for a moment and looked straight into my eyes.

I stared back at him then he leaned down to me and and I felt myself leaning into him as well, and our lips collided. It was like nothing I've ever felt before. It was a simple kiss but it meant something. We pulled away and looked at each other before going into another kiss this one had heat and more passion, if that's even possible. I heard someone clear their throat and I didn't like who I saw in the door way...
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Sorry I've been gone a ton of shit has happened! One! I dont have a computer sooooo I'm on my iPod for awhile :/ Two! school is rough so I haven't gotten a chance to upload anything. and Three! I just havent had the motivation to upload any of my stories :( and Four! I've been going through a lot of personal things.... But anyways I will try to update every Tuesdays and Thursday :D
Musical Inspiration: Nevershoutnever- Happy and Mayday Parade- Terrible things
Comments would be fantastic!!