Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

It Was All Sympathy And Simple Words Of Nothingness

"Oli...." I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I felt dirty, how was I going to explain this? I looked up to Ben to see his expression, but I couldn't tell. Oli just shook his head "Really Zee, I never thought you were the type of girl to do that..." I could feel the tears start to build up but I knew I had to push them back. Why should I be the one to be upset when I'm the one who cheated.

Oli walked out of the room finally and that's when Ben spoke up. "Zee...I can't do this knowing you're taken, and to one of my best friends. Until you get your shit straightened out then we shouldn't hangout anymore." and with that he left too.

I have never felt so alone, and here I am sitting here without a shirt. I finally broke down, I feel like I lost my brother, my friend, and soon my boyfriend. I put my head in my hands and just stayed there not moving. After what seemed like a life time I decided to put on my shirt very carefully and slowly and made my way to my suit case. I grabbed my lighter and a pack of newports. I slipped on a pair of orange vans and made my way down the stairs careful not to cause any noise.

I slipped out of the back door and walked down the street. I kept walking until my feet felt like they were on fire. I decided to take in m surroundings and noticed I was near a door with an hole in it. I could here a crowd of people I'm assuming shooting and cheering on something. I decided to light my cigarette up and after a good few hits I got the balls to enterthe strange building. I know smart right?

So just as I was about to knock on the door it quickly opened and a tall buff guy threw someone on the ground whose shirt was covered in blood. I quickly asked the guy if I could use the "restroom" he was very hesitant but eventually let me in. Along the way I tried to ask him questions but he didn't talk.

He pointed to the door and I walked in slowly. It smelt okay for being a bathroom. I checked myself in the mirror and fixed my hair a bit then walked out. I saw the crowd of people gathering around in a ring and it seemed as if people were in the middle.

I finally get it! It's a fight club! I watched intensly as one of the men moved with such smooth movements and he was quick too. I saw the same guy that let me in and I asked him what it takes to join a club like this. He looked down at me a smiled. He listed off all the things I needed to do. He said the boss was here so if I wanted to get a quick fight in to see my potential it would all be up to me.

I took this as my opportunity to get out all my stress. I told him I would do it. Lucky for me the fight that was going on was just about done. I found out that the guy who let me in is called Blade. Blade got me a pen and paper to write my name on. I was smart enough to put a fake name on so from now on I would be called River Petersen. It wasn't the best name but better than nothing.

I handed Blade the sheet and he shoved me into the ring. I sized up my competition and it seemed like a pretty fair fight. I was up against a pretty weak looking dude. I bell went off and the guy charge at me a quickly made a run to the right. He came at me again so I swung my fist. It caught him off guard but he recovered quickly. Again he came at me but I wasn't as quick this time and he got me right in the abdomen. I stumbled a bit but I caught myself before I fell over. I didn't think he was that close but he got another good punch in my left side of my face. I quickly kicked him in the chest sending him back from me a bit. This guy was really starting to annoy me so when he came after me again I took the arm that had my cast on it and swung with all my might at his face. He landed on the ground with a thud and the crowd went silent
as I collapsed to the ground also holding onto my arm.

I tried shaking the pain off and stood up victoriously. The crowd roared cheers Nd Blade ushered me out of the ring. "Good job kid, next time ya come around your opponents will become tougher. Hope to see ya around soon." I waved to Blade and headed to the restroom to inspect the damage.

I lifted up my shirt and saw a nasty looking purple hue already starting to form, and as for my face my left side of my cheek had a cut and a nasty yellowy purple color to it. I splashed some water on it and left the bathroom. I don't really remember the way I came so I took a guess and started on my journey home.
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Musical Inspiration: Rob Zombie- Dragula and Red Line Chemistry- Ultragiganantor