Status: never thought I'd be writing that word ever

Tell Me Those Three Little Words

I've Got A Secret, Its On The Tip Of My Tongue

I finally made my way back home and luckily, no one was there. I quickly made my way up the stairs to to clean myself up, I pulled my shirt up to see how the bruise was and it didn't look pretty to say the least. I pulled my shirt down and looked at my face. It was a dark yellow color with a tint of blue in it. Makeup could cover it probably.

I went into my room and picked out my PJ's i wanted for the night and slipped them on carefully. I sat on my bed and just sat and thought about how things would be different if I never even showed up. I turned my phone off and saw I had 3 missed calls from Oli and 6 from Cameron, yet no calls from Ben. I hung my head in shame, Ben and Oli were right. I cant do this to Cameron its either now or never to tell him I how I really feel.

I quickly dialed Cams number only to hear the thumping or a bass in the background along with tons of people screaming. He was seriously at a party. "Hello?!" he screamed into the phone. "Hey Cam its me Zee, I just wanted to ask you if we could meet at the park down the street from me in like an hour?" I heard a long pause but heard him say sure. I said good bye and hung up the phone.

*"Oli!", yelled a small version of Zelda. They were by a river and Oli wanted to build a fort.Oli pulled a tree over and put it over the river. He skillfully walked over it beckoning Zelda to walk over it too. The tree was covered in moss and was damp from a previous rain fall. Her little legs carried her about halfway before she lost her balance and almost fell in the river. Just as she though she was done for, her big brother grabbed her my the arm and pulled her back up. He eyes showed amazement and awe. Her big brother Oli just saved her. Oli just smiled back and helped Zee over the tree. Oli and Zee began to build a fort, and Zee never looked at her brother the same way*

I awoke from my daydream of me and Oli. I looked at the clock and decided to put my vans on and start walking. I parked myself on the swings and waiting for Cameron. About 10 minutes later I saw him pull up. He was drunk obviously because he couldn't even walk a straight line without stumbling a bit. "Heeeeeeyyyy Zeeeeeee" he slurred his words. "Hi Cam look I know we haven't been going out for that long its just I don't think we should be in a relationship anymore. I know this is all sudden but I don't want to lead you on anymore if I don't feel attracted to you." He gave me a blank stare before getting up and walking away.I cried out for him to stay but he didn't even look back to me. I felt terrible about this whole situation.

This is the time i need Oli, my brother. If only he didn't hate me....
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heeey guys sorry I've been away lately, my power was out for like a week and then I didnt have a computer for like 2 months but anywaaays sorry! :)
Musical Inspiration: Fuck-BMTH and The Flood-ETF
OH and sorry for the shortness!