Status: Active

Forever's Not Supposed to End


Hayley's point of view - Two days later

"AVAST YE SCURVY DOGS!" screamed someone from the living room.

I sighed and shook my head and looked up at Matthew, who smirked.

"I told you Dan would be a pirate," he said, poking me lightly in the stomach.

"I thought they were all being pirates?"

"No. I think Nathan is being a zombie. Or maybe a zombie pirate. I don't know, he gets super excited on Halloween. You still haven't told me what you're going as," he hinted, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

Most of the time we spent together was in his bed. For the last two days Matthew had barely got up at all, he'd been completely exhausted and even though he didn't admit it, I knew he was in pain.

"It's gotta be a surprise. What are you going as?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm not going. I was hoping I'd be up for it, but I don't feel great today, or yesterday in fact," he said, sighing slightly.

"Is it because I wore you out the other night?" I said with a smirk.

"Maybe. But it was worth it," he said, kissing my cheek gently.

"Not if you've been suffering for two days," I said, moving away from him slightly and looking at him seriously.

"So. No more of any of... that... until you're feeling a lot better OK?"

"Haaaayyyleeeeeyyy," he whined, trying to pull me closer to him.

"Nope. And now I gotta get ready," I laughed, getting up out of the bed and heading for the bathroom to get ready.

Tonight I was going to a Halloween party with Nathan, Dan and Mateo. Matthew was supposed to be going, but none of us were going to try and force him if he wasn't feeling up for it.

I half-heartedly got ready, not really wanting to go now without Matthew, but also wanting him to see my costume at the same time.

I was dressing as a skeleton, and I was massively proud of my costume because I made it myself. It was a skin-tight long sleeved back top that I had spray painted bones onto, and the same thing for the bottom half, with five-inch heels that I could barely walk in.

I finished painting my face white and quickly added dark circles around my eyes, then painted my mouth and nose.

I peeked out of the bathroom and into the living room. Dan was sitting on the couch, he was dressed as a pirate, but we had all expected that. Mateo hadn't arrived yet, and Nathan had his back to me, but it looked like he was also a pirate.

"Do I look OK?" I asked nervously and they both turned to face me.

"Oooh. A skeleton. I love it," said Nathan, jumping up and down excitedly. He'd already had quite a few drinks, and his zombie pirate make-up was already starting to smear all over his face.

"Yarr. 'Tis a mighty fine costume," said Dan in his best pirate voice.

"Are you going to be talking like that all night?" I asked.

"Yarr. Else I shall be known as a scurvy dog," he nodded seriously. He'd also been drinking too.

"TALK LIKE A REAL PIRATE OR WALK THE PLANK!" Dan suddenly roared at Nathan, who jumped a mile.

"Aye Captain Torelli," he said nervously.

"Aw man, the pirate voice, really?" came Matthews voice from the bedroom doorway.

"Yar the pirate voice. Why you not dressed yet you wench?"

"Not going," he said bluntly.

Nathan's face fell.

"Aw come on guys, let him rest, I'll be your Matthew substitute for the night," I said, trying to sound up-beat, even though I barely even wanted to go this party with these two already drunk pirates.

"But our Matthew doesn't dress like a skeleton hooker," laughed Nathan, quickly adding a 'Yar' to keep Dan from telling him off.

"I do not look like a hooker!" I protested. Maybe the shoes were a little much...

"No. You don't. You look amazing," Matthew agreed, walking over to me and protective wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"And I love your shoes," He whispered in my ear, then kissed my neck, sending a small shiver down my spine.

"Get a fucking room," muttered Nathan.

"We're in one, not our fault if you are too," pointed out Matthew.

"Children, please fight nicely," I laughed as Matthew and Nathan glared at eachother.

"Come to the party Matthew, don't be a party pooper," Nathan whined.

"I don't feel great. I just wanna get some more sleep," he said, I realised he was leaning quite heavily on me and shaking slightly.

"Come on, bed, now," I said, walking him back to his bed.

"I really love your shoes," he repeated as I helped him pull all the blankets back over himself.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Maybe you can wear them next time I see you, like... just them," he smirked. I laughed and playfully hit him.

"You pervert," I said, kissing him gently on the forehead.

"Sleep well OK?"

"I will. Try not to get too wasted," he winked.

"I'll try," I laughed, leaving the room and closing the door behind me, blowing him a kiss.

"So. You and Matthew huh. You guys fucking yet?" asked Nathan bluntly. I blushed bright red, luckily he couldn't see behind my heavy white make-up.

"For your information, no. We aren't. We're just getting to know each-other. Now can we go to this damn party yet?" I said, shifting awkwardly in my uncomfortable heels.

"Mateo is like ten minutes away. Have a drink," said Nathan, handing me a beer. He and Dan were both swigging from their own bottles.

I took it and took a swig. They both grinned at me. I didn't like it.

"Let's PILLAGE!" roared Dan in his pirate voice, then chugging down his entire beer in one go.

"I don't know if that's legal in the state of Illinois!" yelled Matthew from the bedroom and the three of us laughed.

Mateo arrived fifteen minutes later, also dressed a pirate, also already half-drunk.

As we left the apartment, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Nathan's point of view - twelve hours later

I woke up and immediately wished I hadn't.

My stomach churned violently and I sprinted from my bed to the bathroom, making it just in time to puke into the toilet.

Breathily heavily I splashed some cold water on my face, then walked back to the bedroom.

My heart was pounding and I was drenched in cold sweat. My whole body ached slightly, and there was a dull throbbing coming from my head.

I froze as my eyes locked onto the bed.

There was a small, pale foot poking out from under the blankets.

I looked down, though I hardly needed to. I knew full well I was naked.

My eyes slowly trailed over the blankets until they reached the head of the person in my bed. The mess of red hair scattered across the pillows.

She was still fast asleep.

I racked my brain.

How could I not remember this? Or any of the previous night?

The last thing I could remember was Dan stealing a bottle of rum from under a table, and the four of us just going crazy over it.

Hayley stirred and I started to panic. Would she remember any more than me?

A terrible realization started to hit me as the blanket moved and revealed she wasn't wearing anything either.

She looked up at me, blinking slowly, her hand immediately going to her head.

"Nathan," her eyes widened and she looked around then back to me, her bloodshot green eyes piercing into mine.

The way our clothes were scattered, trailing from the doorway to the bed.

It could only mean one thing.

"Nathan what happened?" she asked, panic creeping into her voice.

"I don't know," I whispered, shaking my head, even though I did know. I felt tears prick at my eyes as the guilt and realization hit me.

Hayley and I had slept together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did somebody say DRAMA?


Alright folks, let me know what you're thinking right now! And yes, I'm aware this chapter kinda sucks a lot, but the next one will be better, I promise!