Status: New story! YAY JURORA! ♥

The Fast Life


I smiled as I watched the bunch of three year old girls running around the room, waiting for their class to start.

I stood up at the front of the room and watched them.

“Hi Miss. Aurora.” One of them greeted me.

“Good morning.” I smiled at her. “Are you guys ready?” I smiled as they all looked over at me. “Come on.” I waved them on.

“Miss. Aurora?” I smiled as I heard one of them call me.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“I have to go potty.” The little girl informed me. I smiled down at her and held out my hand for her.

“Come on, Brittany.” I looked at the class. “Does anyone else have to go to the bathroom.” I laughed as all the little hands went up. “Okay, come on.”

Once we got back to the empty room, I instructed them to go sit in the middle of the room. Smiling at them as they did.

“What should we dance to today?” I asked.

“Number three!” One of them shouted.

“Number three it is.” Placing the CD in the CD player, I skipped to number three. I turned up the volume and turned around to see the little girls swaying back and forth to the music. “Okay, let’s dance!” I said and they all stood up and started to dance around the studio.


I smiled as the last of my students walked out of the door.

“So what are your plans for the rest of the day?” I looked up towards the door and smiled at one of the other teachers.

“I actually have an audition today.”

“Oh, really?” I nodded. “For what?”

“I’m not really sure.” I lied as I stood up.

“Oh, well good luck then.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at her, before I walked out of the room. I walked to the locker rooms and walked to my locker.

“You have that audition today, right?” I looked over my shoulder.


“For that music video?” I smiled at the owner.

“Yes. I’m so excited.” She grinned at me.

“Do you know who it’s for?” I nodded, placing a smile on my face. “Who?”

“Joe Jonas.” Her face broke into a smile. I looked over at the clock. “I need to go.” I said as I quick opened up my locker and grabbed my belongings.

“Good luck, Aurora.” I smiled.

“Thank you.” I nearly shouted as I jolted out the door.


My nerves started to get to me as I pulled up to the auditorium. I shook it off and stepped out of the car.

“I got this.” I told myself as I walked towards the auditorium.

Walking into the building, I could hear the other girls chatting amongst each other. I let out a heavy sigh and tried to shake the nervousness off, again.

I walked up to the table, and smiled down at the women.

“Hi, I’m Aurora Black.” The lady nodded and I watched her as she went through some papers, until she found what she was looking for.

“There you go, Miss. Black.” She handed me a number and I smiled at her.

“Thank you.”

“Good luck.” She responded with a nod. I smiled as I saw an empty space in between two girls. I made my way over there and placed my stuff down. One of the girls looked over at me.

“Hi.” I said softly as I put on my ballet shoes. “Do you know if we can practice anywhere?” I looked over at her.

“Oh yeah. There’s a small room straight back into the hall. There’s a ton on girls back there though.” I gave her a slight nod, and dug through my bag, trying to find my Ipod.

I pushed in my ear buds and went to the song that I would be performing to. The song every other girl here would be performing to.

As the song started, I closed my eyes and imagined my routine. Nailing it perfectly.

“Number 34, you’re up next!” I heard someone shout. Looking down at my number. A wave of nervousness washed over me as I realized I was next.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Here you go Rora!