
Alex's Thing

It happened yesterday. Colton the Crave told me he liked me in English. The teacher was absent so we had class in the library. We sat on the same table, alone, and he told me that he came out. I sort of knew, my gay-day never fails, and this just proved it.

Alex heard him and came to our table a while later. He practically kept Colton from talking to me. The bell rang and Alex chased Colton away. He didn't tell me anything afterwards.

Today, Ms. Heffley, the English teacher, didn't come again. That means we're going to the library, again. Which means I can talk to Colton.

Right now, I'm in PE. Coach Regan told us to get a partner and to do ten sit-ups and ten push-ups. I was going to ask Lexi, like always, but I was tackled by Alex. As annoying he is, I had to admit I didn't mind exercising with him. He cut his short sleeves of his PE shirt and made it look like a muscle shirt. His arms flexed as he went down for push-ups. I had to count.

"This is. . .a surprise." I said to him.

"Is it really?" he replied in a witty tone.

"It is."

"Well then, I was just thinking we could have a nice conversation about Colton."

I knew there was a catch. Alex and I never had the best relationship. Even when we first met.

"What about him?" I asked.

"Your turn." he said. He got up and pushed me lightly to the floor to do sit-ups. He bent down and placed his knees on my feet and counted as I went up. "One. Colton and I are going to Julie's party tomorrow. Two. He said he was happy to go with me. Three."

"You're telling me this because. . .?"

"Four. Because he was talking about you."

I bent forward and waited there; my chin on my knees, my face inches away from Alex. "He did? What did he say?"

Alex pushed my chest back signaling me to continue. "Six. He said something about thinking he likes you and stuff."


"Yes. But then we had a moment. Those moments like in the movies. We kissed."

"You did?"


"That's. . .wrong. He liked me first." I said.

"That's not important. What matters is who he likes right now. And that's me."

I pushed him off my knees and got up. Alex thought he could just take Colton? This is one of those bitchy things he does. But this wasn't done.
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