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But If I Share My Secret, You're Gonna Have to Keep It


I put my car in park outside of the building where The Voice is being shot; tonight's the grand finale.I'm not here to turn into a little fan girl and scream my heart out when they sing; I'm here because my cousin Blake asked me to be.Growing up we were always tight, accept we did live in different states but we always managed to bend the rules to go visit eachother for weeks if not months at a time.There was a bouncer standing at the door to the arena,"Name." "Morgan Schutt.Blake Shelton is expecting me"I flashed him my id and walked in the door.Immediately I saw Blake and smiled,"Moe!" he yelled, rushing over to me and wrapping me in a bear hug. "Hey Blake.Long time no see." He set me down and smiled,"Too fucking long.Your not leavin my house for at least a month." he joked.Blake turned and grabbed my small wrist dragging me over to where his fellow judges were standing. "Guys this is my cousin Morgan." I looked at the three people standing before me two of them strangers.I knew the other better than anyone
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This is just an intro. It'll get better I swear. I'm gonna write the second chapter now just so you can get a feel for the story. Comments? Or tweet me at