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But If I Share My Secret, You're Gonna Have to Keep It


Adam's hand tangled in my curly brown hair,the kiss we were sharing becoming more passionate. Our tongues colliding in eachothers mouths.I loved this;being in this moment with Adam.It wasn't even about the kissing,it was the closeness.I love being close to him,but we can't do this;not yet.I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back breaking off our kiss,"That was nice and all.But not yet Adam."I said breathlessly.He had a dissapointed look on his face but shook his head in agreement,"I understand beautiful."He kissed my forehead lightly and brought me in for a hug.I buried my face in his shoulder,taking in the smell of his skin,"I missed you."I murmered softly.Adam hugged me tighter,"I missed you too baby,"he laughed lightly into my shoulder."Ready for the show tonight?"
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There will be one more chapter today :) tell me what you think please :) i love hearing from you and it reflects well on the story.