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But If I Share My Secret, You're Gonna Have to Keep It


I stormed out of his dressing room and went into Blake's."Where'd you go off to?" my cousin asked."Nowhere important."I whispered.Blake sat down next to me and looked me in the face,"Don't pull that shit with me Moe.I know something's wrong;what is it?" I reached into my pocket and pulled out my smokes and lit one,"Did Miranda tell you about Adam?"The look on his face said it all,she had;Blake was ripped.I could see the veins in his forehead popping out,"Okay Blake, well he had texted me begging to talk,I told him he had two minutes and all he did was piss me the fuck off."Blake shook his head and opened a drawer that was near the sofa,pulling out a bowl.He looked to me and smiled,"How would cloud nine make you feel right now?"I simply grabbed the bowl from him and lit it up,Taking a heavy hit of the weed that was inside. Instintly numbing anything I could've been feeling;Making everything in life a huge blurry joke.
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SOOOO got my first comment. Thank you Megan:) i'm not a stalker I swear; just read it on your profile. But thank you so much it made my day. Does anyone else wanna make my day with a comment or subscription? ;)