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But If I Share My Secret, You're Gonna Have to Keep It


"Blake,you know what I'm gonna do?"I asked mindlessly. He looked at me with a high smirk on his face,"What?" "I'm gonna go kick Adam's fucking ass."I giggled;standing up and walking out the door into the hallway that lead to where I knew he would be.I saw his lanky body standing by CeeLo;Whatever they were talking about was interrupted by my voice,"You know what Levine you're a real dickhead." He looked up at me with a look on his face that I didn't quite understand at the moment,"Moe,what the hell is wrong with you?"he asked caressing my face with his hand.I angrily slapped it away,"Absolutely nothing,I don't give a fuck about anything anymore.My life is just get high,and forget about the world. But you, you have some fucking nerve saying you were sorry;you know what the really screwed up part is?" Adam put his hands on his hips like a woman,"What?" I laughed at myself,"I actually believed in you;"I put my hands on his hips,"And that's the biggest joke of them all."
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SO Delilah commented, so awesome :) You, should be awesome too and comment and subscribe, don't be a silent reader!