Status: Fist story:) working hard on it!

Better Things.


“What you thinking about, Ava?” Dustin asks.
“Way too much.” I mutter. I know I should be thinking of him. But I’m thinking of all the problems I have to fix as he’s running his fingers up and down my side. Its so relaxing that it makes me want to fall asleep right there, spooning with him naked.
“You know we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“But, I do want to. It’s nice.” Nice until he has to leave.
“Ya, nice. Lets get dressed Babe, I got to go.” he says. Like always, as soon as were done, he has to go.
I get off the bed and search for my clothes. I can’t help but ask “You ever want to just, you know, hangout?”
He’s quiet for a minute while we get dressed. Then puts his hands on my hips and looks at me with his emerald eyes. “Ava, you know I’d love to but I just don’t have time. I barely have time to do this with you anymore.”
Ya right, I know that’s all bullshit. He’s always asking to come over to fool around. that’s all
It ever is, fooling around. All I’m good for. I know I should call him out on it but “Oh,” is the only thing I manage to get out of my mouth before he press his lips to mine.
His kiss is wanting and desperate but in a sloppy way. I love being kissed like this, it reminds me of his kisses back when were a couple. I was the little, shy girl that, for some he wanted. But that’s the past. He’s changed. I’ve definitely changed.
After a quick make out session he finally leaves. Leaving me alone. After our “meetings” I always feel the littlest bit of regret. But then I try to remember the time that I loved him, and it makes me feel better.
Dustin was my first kiss, first boyfriend, first love, first heart break. One day we just agreed we weren’t right for each other and split. It’s been two years but we both dwell on each other. I’ve just never been able to get him out of my head. I guess that’s why we’ve been hooking up these past few weeks.
I hear the door slam. Mom. She barges into my room, like always. “How was your day Hun?” she asks me, Like always.
“Good.” I tell her, like always.
“That’s good. I’m going to go get dinner started.” she says on her way out.
I love my mom to death but I just don’t like to talk to her and she knows it. So there’s never much conversation between us. We’ve just been avoiding each other since I’ve changed.
After dinner I go get ready to go to a fire. I straighten my short brown hair, put on my usual eyeliner and mascara, and throw on a Hollister hoodie a pair of jeans, and my Uggs. Emma’s out side honking her horn so I hurry out my house to meet up with her. Me and Emma have been best friends since second grade, but lately she’s been ditching out on me to be with Cody, her boyfriend. So nights like this are rare.
“Hey Ava- bug!” she screams over the radio as I climb into the tiny sports car. She’s the only person who still uses my old nickname. She tells me were going to meet Cody at Willow Lake. Great. At least there’s going to be alcohol and I brought some money to buy some pot.
As we pull up to the party I’m surprised that pretty much everyone I know from school is there. I guess they’re getting in one last drunken night before the summer is over and we all start our Junior year.
“Wow, Cody actually invited more then ten people this time” I say to Emma.
“Ya, this is going to be great!” she hollers as she leaves the car to find Cody. Leaving me alone.
I wonder around, stopping to catch up with friends I haven’t seen since the end of Sophomore year. Finally I make my way to the row of coolers and start searching for a Four Loko. I finally when find what iv been looking I get up to go look for Emma. I’m too busy looking that I walk right into someone. I look up to see Kyle. My ex. Fuck.
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first story:) thanks for reading!
id like some suggestions and criticism please!