Oh Captain

get aspirin

Sebastian wakes up first and forgets that he went out the previous night before he swings his legs over his new, bigger, bed and presses his feet not onto the floor, but onto Cash.

“Ow!” he squeaks.

“Sorry,” Sebastian mutters, sitting with his legs raised on the bed for a few more moments, looking down at the two boys sprawled across his floor haphazardly.

“Dude, first one to wake is supposed to get the aspirin,” Cash says but he turns and looks up at Sebastian like he’s been up for hours and isn’t tired at all. He smiles warily and Sebastian realizes that he’s probably being awkward, and even worse, staring. He takes wide strides to miss bodies and tries to hop over long spaces of lumpy cover where he’s not sure if there are body parts under. Cash watches the whole thing and cheers whenever Sebastian sticks a landing. Sebastian always wobbles at the end though because he keeps looking back to see Cash smile. It’s always so big and white and genuine.

“Get fucking aspirin,” Robert groans as Sebastian finally gets to his door. Sebastian doesn’t look back at him.

Closing the door behind him, he realizes that he’s not even sure if they have aspirin. He passes an empty bedroom to get to the bathroom and the medicine cabinet is empty so turns back around and passes his door to go through the living room to get to the foyer to get into the kitchen, where the fridge is open.

“Do you have aspirin?” Sebastian thinks he asks Captain, sliding into the barstool at the island.

“Um, not on me,” Jack says and smiles when Sebastian’s eyes widen. “We’ve been working on stuff downstairs,” he answers Sebastian’s silent question. Sebastian assumes he slept here since he’s wearing a t-shirt and boxers but his red-brown hair is still styled immaculately.

“How’d you train your hair to do that?” Sebastian asks.

“Be perfect?” he tosses his head and it goes right back into place, “It’s a part of the fucking charm.” He smiles and walks away in the direction of the basement stairs, Sebastian assumes his hair just is like that. He gets up and opens the fridge to find it empty except for a few half-empty bottles of water and a beer.

He goes out the kitchen and down the hall on the other side of the house, a small hallway with only double doors at the end, the master bedroom. It’s empty too, and the bed is still made and Sebastian wonders if Captain’s set up a tent in the basement just to be closer to the music. It makes him feel a little bad because he figures that he was a big part of the decision to take a hiatus and he knows Captain misses it. They’ve barely gotten into the break, but Sebastian thinks just the thought that they won’t be heading out for tour anytime soon is taking a toll on him.

The only cabinet with anything in it is the one in Captain’s room, it’s packed full of all kinds of medicine and he drops a few bottles trying to get to the aspirin. He thinks about shaking some out but instead just takes the whole bottle and figures that Captain won’t miss it, he closes the cabinet and looks in the mirror. He presses brown hair down a little and notices that the shirt he put on in the dark last night has a gaping hole at the hemline and the boxers are Guitar Hero. He rolls his eyes a little at himself and walks out the bathroom, trying to remember to call Grandma later and tell her that they don’t have groceries- or anything, really, when he stops back at the kitchen to grab two of the fuller bottles.

“Did you get fucking lost?” Robert says when he gets back. His head is in his hands and he’s sitting with his back against Sebastian’s bed. Sebastian tosses the water relatively close to him and tucks the other one under his arm to shake out four pills and close the bottle to throw even closer to Robert. He takes two dry.

Cash opens the door to his bathroom then and Sebastian gives the others to him. He smiles in thanks and Sebastian smiles back and takes a moment to notice that his eyes are this hazel-green color and the light brown hair at his hairline is really thick and sticking straight up and he’s got a few brown freckles at the top of his cheeks and fucking dimples and his skin is tan and golden like in some spots and smooth and…

“So that was a pretty awesome way to meet your dad, last night,” he says.

“Oh. Uh yeah. He’s not usually that…creepy,” Sebastian shrugs and looks at Cash as a whole again, and not just his individual features.
“You shrug a lot,” Cash observes aloud.

“Shrugs more than he fucking talks,” Robert pipes in from wherever he is. Sebastian’s still in front of Cash, still focused on Cash.

“And you curse every time you talk,” Cash responds to Robert before looking Sebastian in the eye again. “It’s cool. A lot of my friends are shy, too.”

“I’m not shy,” Sebastian mutters but Cash keeps talking.

“Like Madison, at the party.” Sebastian nods because he could tell that she was shy. Sebastian doesn’t think he’s shy like that, with his head down and having to be tugged around, he’s just awkward and a little antisocial because of it. She looked like she wanted to get lost in herself, her shoulders were so high and her head so low…Sebastian hopes he doesn’t look like that.

“You know who’s not shy? Farrah. How the hell did you hook up with her, even, Seb?” Robert mutters from under a pillow. Cash steps around him and it makes Sebastian realize he was probably like cornering him into the bathroom and he starts blushing like an idiot. He turns after wiping at his cheeks ineffectively and Robert’s now on the bed, leaning up on his arm and looking at Sebastian like he’s about to give him the answer to life. Cash is texting from the cover Sebastian gave him last night on the floor.

Farrah- Sebastian hadn’t gotten her name.

“Um...” Sebastian’s not sure if Cash wants him to tell Robert that they kissed, for just a moment though because then he thinks that Cash isn’t the type to care seeing as how he did do it on like a bet, in the middle (or the corner) of a party. “Huh?” He settles for though, because then, he thinks, he doesn’t know if he wants Robert to know. Robert would annoy the hell out of him about it.

“I’m responsible for that,” Cash says, still looking at his phone. “She has, like, a hard-on for guys kissing so I kissed Sebastian and she, like, ravaged him afterwards,” he looks up from his phone then, but not at anybody or anything in particular and chuckles. “Like every guy I touch turns to fucking gold in Farrah’s eyes.” Sebastian laughs too.

“No fucking fair! I would’ve totally made out with you to get with Farrah!” Robert manages to whine and groan while he glares a little at Cash though Cash isn’t looking at him.

“Good to know.” Cash rolls his eyes and looks in Sebastian’s direction again, finally, “You didn't seem like the type to punch me. Actually, I could probably take you. But thanks for not punching me anyways.”

“Um…yeah,” Sebastian says lowly. He wasn’t really raised thinking about sexuality like most kids, because of Captain. A lot of stuff Captain wasn’t involved in, but he had strong views about things like sexuality and gender roles and stereotypes and acceptance and such so when he and Sebastian would spend time together, he’d have really long talks with him about it. Sebastian liked them a lot because it was sobering for Captain and he’d get this passionate glint in his eyes and look Sebastian in the eye really intently. And those times were how Sebastian knew that his dad really did care about him and how he was raised, because sometimes, when he was younger, it was hard to tell over the phone and states away.

“Okay. Sleep time. Shut the fuck up," Robert says with his head under his cover before pulling Sebastian's cover off his bed to throw over him as well.

"My fucking room," Sebastian just grumbles under his breath before getting back into bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
i miss homecoming
(and homecoming's comments)
eventually, these chapters might get longer.