Status: It's Happening

Falling Apart

This is high-end living

"Welcome Genevieva. To my house." Draco said.

Genevieva looked around, "It's different, but it's still gorgeous. Your mum was always good at decorating."

"Yea, she is. She also re-decorated your room. To the style you might like, I suppose." Draco led Genevieva to her room, which is two doors down from Draco's.

Genevieva walks in and gasps lightly. "Its beautiful." She whispers.

The room is painted a rose color, with crystal white curtains partly open that it's visible to see the glass balcony doors and the outside. The doors in the room are painted a metallic gold and have pure gold door handles.

There's a few painting in the room, including some muggle artwork, such as some replicas of The Scream, Starry Night, and A Midsummers' Night Dream. On one of the walls lays a king bed, with rose and white sheets, blankets, pillow casings, and edgings with gold trimmings.

Genevieva walks to the closet and all her clothes are already in the correct places. Then in one of the corners is a giant vanity, with gold on the frame of the mirror and with big vanity bulbs, the counter to the vanity is granite and it's a shade of soft rose. All Genevieva's make up is already on the counters and in drawers, including hair and face products.

Then she walks to the bathroom and her eyes widen. The upper left side of the bathroom wall is covered with a huge mirror and the bottom half is a giant marble counter top, with two sinks.

On the other side of the bathroom is a large bathtub-like-jacuzzi then a golden door, which Genevieva entered and it was the toilet, then finally on the wall of the door to her room is a big glass 360 shower. Genevieva walks outside from the balcony and then her mouth drops a bit.

"Oh my…this is… spectacular. This view is…" Genevieva drifts off with her sentence, "It's breathtaking, isn't it?" Draco said while looking at her.

She looks back to reply but she is literally speechless and so her just nods her head in agreement.

Draco and Genevieva sat on balcony chairs and talk for hours until Satie; Genevieva's personal house elf- popped up,

"Miss Genevieva and Mr. Draco. Your parents requested you both in the dinner hall for dinner at 7 o'clock. And insisted you to dress formal."

"Thank you, Satie. Could you pick out a outfit for me to wear, please?"

Satie nods, "Yes, Miss."

"Thank you, you can go now." Satie disappears.

"You're very friendly with the servants." Draco stated.

"Yeah, I know. I don't see why I wouldn't; they do so much for me. At least I can do is treat them nice, since I won't let them go. "

Draco stares at her for a moment, "You surprise me." Genevieva rolled her eyes and they both got up to get ready.