‹ Prequel: Vipers and Lions
Status: I'll update every now and then, the more comments, the more I'll update.

This Time Don't Let Me Walk Away


“Sirius! Help me! Please!” I tried to yell but it came out muffled. Jax had placed his hand over my mouth. I bit him and immediately he jerked away while hissing in pain. I’ll show him pain, I thought.

He stood up. “So you’re Sirius. She screamed my name you know,” he grinned sadistically.

Sirius’s nose flared. “I know liars when I see them. Take him.”

“For what?” a younger guard asked.

Sirius turned to look at him slowly. “For rape and assault to an innocent woman.” He said lowly. “Now go!” he barked.

The younger man hurried off and handcuffed Jax. When they left Sirius rushed over to me. “We have to get you out of here! I need to take you to St. Mungo’s.” he picked me up gently so not to hurt me. I knew he was doing his best, but I still let an uncontrolled moan of pain out. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you.” His eyes were full of worry. I merely nodded. I did my best to hold in my pain, but a few slipped out. “Siri have bruises all over my body. You can’t touch me anywhere without hurting me.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” He conjured a blanket with his wand and put it over my body.
“This is going to hurt,” he apparated so I didn’t even have time to react. When we arrived in St. Mungo’s I screamed so loud that it attracted everyone’s attention.

I heard whispers. It never changes. Here. School. Why is it always me that they choose to whisper about? But I guess this time I have given them a good reason.

Doctors and nurses rushed up to me. I kept falling in and out of consciousness. I was losing too much blood. I was placed on a surgery table. I could feel a needle entering my body, but I felt no pain. Then I heard a man’s voice say “She’s not going to make it,” before I blacked out.

-Sirius’s POV-

I acted calm when I saw her naked, bruised, cut up, and scared. But I wasn’t. I was so angry, so upset. I wanted to rip him, limb, from limb, from limb. Still do. But I have grown up enough that I know that I can’t do those things. Not anymore. But it didn’t stop me from wanting to.

I paced in the hallway in front of the door to the surgery room. They had thrown me out when a doctor told me that she wouldn’t make it and I tried to kill him. He didn’t press charges because he had a girl at home that he loved dearly and if he heard the same thing he would’ve reacted the same way I did.

“Merlin’s beard Sirius. Sit down would you? You’re going to exert yourself to the brink of death.” a man lowered his newspaper and I looked at him. “Don’t even joke about that,” I snarled at the man. Then my eyes widened in recognition.

“Author Weasley?” I asked shocked. “Is that you?”

The man chuckled. “Yes, that is who I believe I am. Of course, I haven’t checked my identity in awhile. But I think I am the same person.”

“Humorous as ever. I apologize for my behavior.” He sighed. “I just can’t help it. I’m extremely worried. He said she wouldn’t make it, and I’m so. . . .”

“Scared?” Author offered. “I would feel the same about Molly. And that’s alright. I would have done the same as you.”

“Yeah. . . .” I put my face in my hands.

I heard footsteps approach, but didn’t look up.

“Mr. Black?” a voice asked.

I looked up to see the doctor who had been working on Alx covered in blood.

Instantly my eyes widened. I was afraid for the outcome, almost so much that I didn’t want to hear it.

The doctor opened his mouth to speak. I held my breath in fear and in anticipation.
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oh I'm so mean. I know. Comment if you want me to write more, telling you what happens next.