Bloody Angel High In Hell

Chapter 1: The Children's Nightmares

What was the worst that she could say? Was it better if she stayed? Into the night, Helena died away, the children sung along and ranaway. Where was the dear Helena, was she the one so kind that turned black? Was she the one who dreamed to turn this world into a better place. She wants to change it, letting her pure body turn to a dreadful, demonic form. Drifting away, smiling with the children that always adorn her so.

Rising from the ashes, her body much lovelier with the hints of darkness whispering in her rosey red lips. Her skin ink black and hair long with evil making it flow. She screeched with pain replenishing herself from her wounds and her ink black skin turned pale like the worm skins that lived deep in the Artic Region. Her beauty blew away the serenity of the clouds replacing them sunlight and beautiful flowers.

Helena could never be cruel to the likes of nature for it was the only thing that was kind to her and gave her reason that her lungs still mumbled with air. She walked down the sun-kissed path looking for the children that she would always play with by the river. They laughed, but were silenced by the sight of their old best friend.

"Hello," Helena spoke to the children quietly not to scare them by her reincarnation. "Helena?" They looked at her with eyes that sparkled with love. She knew these were the only people that she could trust because they did not care for the sins she has previously performed, but they liked her because how mistical and beautiful she was to them and they ran towards her hugging her closely. To them, they were the only adult that they could trust and run to when they had the darkest of secrets hurt them. All cried in unision looking into her eyes and not suprised at all by her new appearance in her skin tone and ears. "Helena, your back, I knew you could never die. You're too strong and cool to die!" One confident child screamed with glee. "How is Ri doing?" She was curious of her best mortal friend who was dark in the heart but was kind anyways. Just like Helena, he was only exhiled from the human territory. He was the only one that was never crushed by the human race and deep loneliness. Still, he was best friends with Helena and talked to her about his troubles he had.

"Hello, Ri." She said politely to the pale boy who was staring down at the ground. "How is the children treating you?" "Usual." He sighed and threw a rock into a trickling stream. "Well, anything you would like to talk over?" Helena makes the conversation more pulling but, Ri continues looking at his reflection. "Lady Helena, how did you manage to revive from the fire?" "You know Ri, I am very afraid I cannot tell you of anything." "Oh well, you wanted to talk did you not?" "Well, it is a bit personal, I managed to escape since I had the chance." She turned away to view the mistical blue sky.

She never managed to escape and felt the pain of the flames. This phenominoem was so unusual that Ri would find it plausible but, it would frighten him badly. Helena really wanted to keep her friends; her family and they were her closest friends and the proof did not show. She had a mission and that was the village that turned their faces to her for who she was and Hidemi was her only guidance to kill the hatrade that traced that damned place. Where so many had burned her body over nothing but her innocence.

Hidemi, the only one outside of the children cared.

"Lady Helena, I have something to tell you." A young boy walked to her and spoke shyly. "Yes, what is it dear?" She bent down to the boy to have him able to hear her voice. "You know, ever since our village burnt you down, nightmares have been haunting us. Our parents tell us these dreams mean no such a thing but, we find them as something truly evil." "No dream is wish-wash if you look at it in a certain perspective!" "Well lady, all the adults became shadow like creatures and chased us around the village. They held up your white wings and killed all of us and burned the world to hell." The kid shook in fear. Helena gave the child a hug. "So you have been basically had all the same dreams?" "Yep, it was all scary, Ri also had that dream." Helena came close to the child and spoke in a low voice. "So that is why he was more depressed than normal." "Mmm, hmm."