Sequel: Twin Witches II
Status: Finished! Please Comment and Subscribe! Check out The Sequel :)

Twin Witches I

Chapter 23

Ivy’s POV
~lunch time~
“Hey Oak over here!” I yell out to my sister who is frantically looking for me. She turns her head and sees me. She walks up to the table that I am sitting at and sits down and starts to lick the florescent pink frosting off of her strawberry cupcake, Gwen walks up to us and sits down too.
“Hey there are a lot of rumours about you two going around school. People are saying that Janie said that you guys didn’t even go on a quest. That you just said so to ditch school.” She says.
“That’s bull!” I say
“Yeah I know I have scars from the bloody rocks falling on top of me!” Oak exclaims
“And who the hell is ‘Janie’?” I say wanting to put her in her place
“Only like the most popular/stuck up person in the school.” Gwen explains
“Ok where is she sitting?” I ask pondering ways to kick her ass
“Uuh just over there.” She replies pointing over towards a table with everybody dressed in pink and had blonde hair.
“Ok let’s go.” I say standing up and walking over to the table with all of the preppy girls.
I reach the table and cough to get their attention.
“Whats a wannabe like you doing standing near our table?” some girl with a squeaky voice asked.
“Well I’m at your wannabe pretty table because one of you has been spreading bull about my sister and I.” I say
“It’s my sister and me dumbo.” The squeaky voiced girl said
“Actually no its not and that doesn’t say much for your IQ whats yours like a one maybe a two?” I say rolling my eyes.
“Well you’re just a big bully.” The girl said again
“Um ouch that really hurt my feelings seeing as though I don’t care about what you and your pitiful insults think but I do care about the person who spread the rumours about me and my sister.”
“I did do you have a problem with that?” a girl who I recognize from the fighting grounds.
“It was me and I don’t really care about you or the new Oak. See before you came along Oak was my friend and she was part of our crowd but now you’ve changed her and she put herself and Gwen into the loser crowd and as if anyone would believe your stupid lie ‘oh I just made it through the forest of death and found a cave and killed a dragon and my two aunts and found my mum who has been missing for years.’ Your pathetic, you and your sister.” She says sitting back down I walk up to her and fire starts to erupt from my hands almost burning her, she falls off of her chair and screams falling to the floor. She stands up and lunges for me grabbing my neck in her hands I kick her off of me and run up to her and punch her in the face, Hard. Her minions come running over to her asking her if she is alright while she cries like a baby whimpering.
“Jeez Ivy what did she say?” Oak asks as soon as I sit back down at our table.
“She said that you and I are pathetic and she spread the rumour so she deserved it and I don’t think I’ll get in trouble because she will be known as the baby who Dobbs on a small fight.” I say proudly.
An Oak starts to laugh and so does Gwen.
“Now let’s go we have a free period now.” Gwen says to us.
“Hey mum!” Oak and I say running into her arms and hugging her.
“Ivy punched a girl.” Oak says dogging me. I give her a quick death glare before returning my attention to mum.
“She deserved it.” Is all I say in defence.
“Now, now Ivy there is nothing that makes you deserve to be physically punished.” Mum says in her bell-like voice.
“She said that we didn’t go on the quest to save you we just said we did to skip school.”I say
“Ivy, Oak, you both know that you two went on that quest to save me right?” Mum says
“OF COURSE!” Oak and I yell at the same time.
“Well then that’s all that matters as long as you know what you did who cares what anyone else thinks.” She said rationally.
“Oh here I almost forgot these are for the dance tonight.” Mum says handing me a big box labelled Ivy in fancy cursive writing and handing one to Oak with the same writing.
“Thanks mum.” Oak and I say looking at our boxes admiring the notes stuck to them.
“Your welcome, Oh and you better go and get ready because the disco starts soon.” She says happily
“Ok bye mum I love you.” I yell back walking out the door and towards the dorms. Mum has been living on school campus for a couple of weeks now while my leg healed and is working in the office for the time being until she has enough money to buy a house nearby.
When we reach the dorms oak and I rip open the boxes. I find a black and red dress it was all frilly and puffy it didn’t really suit my style but I guess mum bought it for me so ill keep it. Oak got given a pale yellow dress with a matching necklace.
I quickly got changed and did my hair in a pretty up-do, Oak let her hair flow freely past her shoulders. I did light makeup and had to tackle Oak to the floor and forced eyeliner and mascara onto her. Once we deemed ourselves ready we walked out the door of our dorms happier than ever, laughing about random stuff like what prank we are going to pull to exact my revenge plan part 2.
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hey guys sorry it took so long for me to update ive been very tired and lazy although sonya was getting annoying <death stares to greer from sonya> trying to make me fininsh the chapter it is unedited so if there are mistakes im very sorry you guys are lucky because i tried to upload this chapter with a gigantic authors note which would probably bore you to death probably like im doing now ok going to stop again very sorry about the wait. OH and i almost forgot theres gonna be a sequel YAY im not spoiling it yet but this is my last chap on this installment so check out the sequel soon and the next chapter is the last one on this book so hopefully sonya can pull off a good ending im only joking she's a briliant writer and i have to say that or else she'll shoot me just to end my boring as speech id like to say that it has been epic writing ivy's character and im sure sonya has had fun writing oak too. OK im ending it now must restrain... from boring readers to death...

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~xoxo Greer!! XD