Status: Right or Wrong

Another window with a different point of view.

I turn the page, thinking I can turn this around



Those 5 words were still on my mind. "Things might not work out." Well thank you for telling me that. Now I don't know what;s really gonna happen next.

But it doesn't mean me and Cathy stopped dating. We date again. Well like twice a week and now it's our 5th date and things are pretty well,like sometimes we forget we have a deal. Like we're really true to feelings.

"John?" I heard a female voice at my back. I turn around and... Oh, she's not that I am expecting. Tina, my first ex-girlfriend. I blame her for me being like this. She broke my heart because she dated a guy at the same time, she's with me. All she wants is fame, and i can conclude that.
"Tina? Wow, how long have you been here?" I asked nervously. "I just got here 2 weeks ago. You changed a lot!" she replied. "Haha you too." I fake laughed. Cathy knows her too. She was there when Kennedy introduced Cathy to me. "So any new girl, John?" she asked. "Uh-huh" I said. "And who is this lucky girl?" she asked again. "It's...." Luckily, I saw Cathy finally going out and started walking near at my direction so i called her. "Cathy!!!" I looked at Cathy and waved so that she can see me. "Hey!" Cathy said. "You and Cathy? She's your new girl?" Tina seemed shocked. "Tina? Oh my God, you have new hair!" Cathy complimented her and it makes me laugh at some point. I know Cathy don't likes her that much. "Yah,thanks and I love your new look, you seemed change since the last i saw you.You look even more decent." Tina replied with sarcasm. "Well, it's probably because time passes by." I smiled at them. "Uh-huh well I think I need to go now. See you two somewhere, love birds"
She waved at us a good-bye and walk off. That leaves us me and Cathy.
Then Cathy started walking away.

"Hey!" I followed her. "Hm?" she stopped as I walk to her. "I know you were pissed off to what she said." I said. "No, I'm not. Well it's true at some point." she said like she's serious. "Oh, come on!" I convinced her. "You know what..." she stopped me. "Why didn't you tell her that we're not really dating. That we're just having a deal." she told me. "It's because we really are dating. Not just because we have a deal, it doesn't mean it's all fake or just for the deal. Some things or most of the things are true too." I replied to what she said. She remained silent and she started walking again, and again i followed her direction. She stopped again and face me. "Bye, John!" She said to me as she turn around and leave me. "Don't you want a ride?" I raised my voice so she can still hear me. "I'm good, don't worry" She replied as she raised her voice too.

In my plans, there will be no hindrance. I will not let Tina come in my way and in Cathy's way.