The Only Hope for Me Is You

One Shot

I don’t know how Craig had managed to convinced me to come out tonight. I would have much preferred to stay at home and eat more ice cream and keep watching The Notebook. I just wanted to wallow for a few more weeks.

We were currently in the Loop Lounge; it was dark and smelled like piss. I didn’t want to be here. I placed myself onto a stool and took a sip of my diet coke.

“Remind me again why I have to be here?” I asked Craig for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

“Because Peggy, these guys are my friends and I haven’t seen them in ages. When they told me they were doing a secret show I told them I’d definitely be there. And since I didn’t want to come on my own, I decided to bring my best friend who needs cheering up.” He patiently explained.

“I was perfectly fine at home.” I retorted.

“Yeah sure, crying yourself to sleep, watching sad films all day. That sounds exactly like a person who is perfectly fine. He was a scumbag and you’re better without him.” Craig sighed exasperatedly.

“Just stop ok. Please.” I muttered, not wanting the tears to start up in such a public place.

“OK, I’m sorry. C’mon, let’s get over to the stage, I think they’re about to start.” Craig said, noticing the lights were dimming.

I pulled myself from my seat and followed Craig over to the low platform of the stage, watching as four guys began to step onto it and position themselves to play. The crowd was quickly getting excited, people were quickly realising who was about to play and were trying to cram into mine and Craig’s position: front and centre.

Throughout the next 45 minutes my mind was taken off cheating scum bag ex-boyfriends as I was captivated by the band. They were incredible, better than I’d seen from their broadcast shows or music videos. They were intense.

One in particular kept catching my eye, mainly because he threw himself around the stage putting everything he had into his playing, and also because he seemed to not care about anything else going on around him.

The bar got more and more packed, it seemed like the message was out that My Chemical Romance were playing a secret gig back in their hometown. As soon as the guys played their last song, Craig dragged me toward the side of the stage, trying to say sometime to me that I couldn’t make out over the din of the crowd.

Gerard’s face lit up as soon as he saw Craig, not even noticing me. Not that I blame him, I didn’t even know the guy. He grabbed Craig’s arm and began to pull him, and therefore me, to a dingy little backstage room where the rest of the guys were already putting on clean, non-sweaty clothes.

“Dude it’s so good to see you! I’m glad you made it down.” Gerard exclaimed to Craig as soon as it was possible for them to talk at a normal level.

“I wouldn’t have missed it. You guys have been gone for ages!” Craig replied, receiving a round of nods and grunts from the other three band members.

I stood next to Craig awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. He was so caught up with talking to Gerard that the fact I was still here must have slipped his mind.

“Hey.” I heard quietly from next to me. I turned around to see none other than Frank Iero offering me a beer.

“Hi.” I replied in an equally hushed voice, gratefully the accepting the alcohol.

“Looks like Craig forgot to introduce us. I’m Frank.” He smiled.

“I’m Peggy.” I informed him, smile lighting on his face.

“As in Peggy Olsen from Mad Men?” He chuckled.

“As in Peggy Parish the children’s author. My mom loved reading them to me.” I answered.

“Oh really, which children’s books?” Frank inquired, leading me over to a lumpy sofa.

For the next hour or so the two of us talked about children’s books to favourite movies to best place to get a good pizza. He was funny, sincere and passionate about what he loved. He reminded me nothing of my ex.

“C’mon sweet pea, we gotta be heading home.” Craig called to me, as if he finally remembered I was there too.

“OK, be there in a second." I replied.

“So, are you and Craig together, or...?” Frank asked, his eyes downcast.

“Me and Craig? Hell no. He’s a friend who thought I needed to get out of the house. I’m glad he managed to persuade me.” I chuckled, offering Frank a sweet smile.

“OK cool.” Frank said, breathing what seemed like a sigh of relief and returning the smile; his hazel eyes sparkling.

“How come?”

“Because if you were together then I wouldn’t have been able to do this.” Frank explained before leaning across the sofa and filling the small gap between us. His lips pressed lightly but with passion against mine.

He kept his lips moving with mine for only a few seconds, but they were mind blowing seconds. Everything screamed to a halt around us and I swear I could feel sparks flitting between our skin.

It felt all too soon when he pulled away resting his forehead against mine, smiling to himself.

“Did you feel that?” He asked somewhat huskily.

“Yeah.” I breathed, not sure I could manage more than that.

“Look, we’re taking a break from tour now for a few months. My old apartment is near Craig’s.

Here’s my number, please call me tomorrow.” He said, grabbing a sharpie from nearby and scribbling a line of numbers across the back of my hand.

“I want to see you again. Please, call me.” He repeated, his breath floating softly over my face.

“OK.” I agreed, slowly getting up.

I didn’t want to leave this amazing guy sat in this dingy room. I wanted to take him back to my place and start up where that kiss left off.

Judging by the look in his eyes, he probably wanted the same. I glanced down at the number on my hand as I walked away, knowing that I wouldn’t be thinking about a certain cheating ex ever again.