As Your Blood Hits The Floor

How It All Began

“A young girl was killed last week by a mystery killer. She was found in her bedroom, decapitated and missing limbs”
I sighed and changed the TV station. I was sick of all these killings on the news just lately. They didn’t concern me anyway, they were all at the other side of the country, so why should I bother myself with it? Sometimes I swear it’s just the reporters trying to scare all of the yobs to make them stay inside after dark.

It’s always someone getting shot or raped or stabbed just lately isn’t it? It’s just plain annoying. Like anything is ever going to happen around here. It’s too quiet here for anything like that to ever happen.
I live in a small country town. Not many people live here and everyone that does knows each other. So if someone was going to go around killing off everyone, someone is sure to know and warn us all.
But nothing’s ever going to happen here. Everyone’s too nice for that kind of thing.

Finding that there was nothing else on the TV actually worth watching, I switched it off. It was getting late, but I somehow wasn’t yet tired. I slowly got to my feet intending to go online to see if anyone worth talking to was still up. Maybe we could make plans to go out tomorrow somewhere. If it’s not raining too bad.
Just lately, the weather had been terrible, so we hadn’t been able to go out too much. It gets so muddy around here, so it’s not such a great idea to leave the house when it’s raining as heavy as it has been.

I logged onto the computer and scrolled down my list of friends, checking who was online. My only contact on was CJ, but she never seems to be actually offline just lately. Her real name is Claire, but we all call her CJ as she doesn’t like her real name. I opened a conversation with her and started talking. We were talking much longer than I actually intended to, just clowning around and perving over some of our favourite rock stars.

After a while, we both decided it was time for bed and we’d phone around our friends in the morning to see if anything was happening. We said our goodbyes and I switched off the computer, now feeling quite drowsy.


The next morning, I awoke to the sound of my mum shouting me “Simone, phone for you!”
I groggily sat up and stumbled out of bed to grab the phone from her. “Sup?”
“Hey there, what’s happening today?” I heard the voice of David, my boyfriend on the other end.
“Don’t know. Me and CJ were on about going out with everyone, but we didn’t know where” I told him.
“Oh… well, how about we all meet at that bridge, you know the one in the woods, and we’ll decide from there” he suggested
“Sure, I’ll ring CJ, Sam and Rachie, you can phone the guys,”
“Will do”
We hung up and I phoned around the girls before deciding to have a shower and get dressed.
As I did so, I put my CD player on “Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the floor!
It reminded me of the news report last night, but I didn’t think anything else of it. After all, it is only a song.