Status: Updating as soon as I can >.<

The Life and Times of Frank Iero (Diary)

Thursday 13th of October 2011

Dear Diary,

Gerard and I didn't get anyhwere serious last night. Unless you count us being naked and lying in bed together. But seriously we didn't have sex. He wasn't ready and I respect that. I've lost my man virginity, to Zacky, so I understand why he wants to wait.

I awoke to Gerard snoring ever so softly. I didn't want to wake him. I got up and out of bed. I realised that maybe I needed something to wear. Didn't want the neighbours spotting me stark bollock naked!

I picked up the first pair of boxers I could find and put them on.

"Hmmmm.... They're not mine. Must be Gee's."

I smiled at the thought of my wearing my boyfriends boxers.

I walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on for some coffee. Would Gerard want a cup? I'm not sure but I'll make him a mug anyway.

I made Gerard and I some coffee and walked into my room.

The smell of coffee was strong the room. Next thing I know...

"Coffee!!!" Gerard exclaimed getting up and out of bed coming straight over for his mug.

"Thanks baby!" He said kissing my cheek and taking ahold of the mug.

I looked at him and giggled slightly. He's like a little kid when it comes to coffee.

"So Gee, what do you want to do today?" I asked him

"I don't mind." He put his cofee down, came over and straddled me.

"As long as I'm with you, I don't what I do or where I am."

He kissed me all the way down my chest and back up to my neck.

"I love you Gee." I giggled.

"You do realise, that I meant what do you want to do after class."

He got up off of me to get dressed.

"Uhm Frankie? Seen my boxers?" He was searching frantically for them.

"Er, Gee. I'm kinda wearing them." He looked over at me,

"D'awww babes, you're wearing my boxers! So sweet! Can I wear yours then?"

"Yeah, go on babe."

He picked up my boxers and put them on.

We both got dressed and were ready for class within an hour.

"I'll see you at lunch then?" I asked.


We kissed each other passionatly before setting off for our classes.

So the rest of the day was boring. Until classes were over.

Gerard moved his things to my apartment.

We watched a film.

Now we're getting ready for bed.

So I'll write tomorrow guys!

So Long And Goodnight.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey sorry I didn't upload the past few days. I've been really busy!
I can't promise a chapter every day guys I'm real sorry :(
Well, I still need people for:
The Reverend Tholomew Plague :3
Aka The rest of Avenged Sevenfold.

Now Playing - The Club Can't Handle Me - Flo Rida feat. David Guetta :)

- Jackass xoxox