Trashed And Scattered

Tell Me How I'm Supposed To Breath With No Air


I watched as Ellie walked off on her own and sat on a rocky ledge above the water, kicking her feet around in it. That girl really needed to talk to someone, but had shoved all the others away, even Lynn. I didn't want to scare her, so I made sure my footsteps were as loud as they possibly could be. She looked up and smiled slightly before turning back towards the water.

"Whats a pretty little thing like you doing just sitting here all by yourself?"

"I dunno, I just felt like being alone. i've been...thinking about everything thats happened since we started this whole thing."

"Oh..." I said quietly as I sat beside her. "It's not important you know. It's all in the past now and there's nothing you can do but get over it and move on with your life."

She sighed and looked at me briefly before turning to gaze out at the water again.

"I wish I could, but things have been so hectic. That and I was locked away for three days without any outside contact. Those were by far the worst three days of my life."

I just nodded and gave her a small hug before I stood up.

"I guess I'll leave you to your thinking again."

She nodded and turned back towards the water, giving me the perfect opportunity. I ran past her and cannonballed into the water, splashing her as I hit the water and went under. When I came up, she was wiping the water out of her eyes and laughing a little bit.

"Matt! What the hell was that for?"

"I wanted to make you laugh! And it worked!" She smiled and stood up, then jumped in on top of me.

"Well thanks. I needed a laugh."

"No problem. You wanna go join the others now?"

"Sure, why not. Its been so long since I've talked to most of them."

I smirked and grabbed her hand, pulling her with me as I waded towards the others.

Time Skip


I watched as Nicky swam around, playing in the water about 10 feet away from me. I was having some trouble seeing her now since the sun had almost gone down completely and all light was fading quickly. I heard an 'Oh shit!' and splashing before it was quiet again. Knowing Nicky, I thought she had hurt herself or something and that she was perfectly fine. However, after about 5 minutes of silence, I began to worry.


No answer.


Still no answer.

"I swear to god I'll kick your ass if you're joking with me!"

Again, I got no response.

Without hesitation, I got up and ran down the beach towards the others, all of whom were eating and joking around.

"Guys! I think something happened to Nicky!"

They all turned to look at me, confused looks on their faces.

"It means get your lazy asses up and c'mon, now!"

I ran back towards my hiding spot, and saw a pale streak zip past me into the water. I looked back at everyone, trying to figure out who it ahd been. It didn't take long before it dawned on me that we were all pretty short.

"I take it that was Jimmy..."

As if answering me, Jimmy walked onto the beach with Nicky in his arms. We all ran over to them and helped set her down. I then watched as Lynn went to give Nicky CPR. Brian stopped her before couching beside Nicky.

"You pump, I'll do this."


I watched as Lynn and Brian gave Nicky CPR, hoping to god it worked. It took a few minutes, but she finally began to hack up water. Brian choked on some of it since he was blowing when she hacked it up. (lol)

When she could finally talk, Jimmy looked calmyly down at her and asked what happened.

"Andy. H-he pulled me under and t-tried choking me. The only r-reason that I lasted as long as I did is b-because I fought back and was able to come up...for air."

Brian wrapped his towel around her shoulders and sat her up in his lap as he tried to warm her up, while Ellie shook her head and fell down next to them.

"He's supposed to be in the hospital. Are you sure it was him?"

"Ellie, I know what I saw. It was definitely him."

I watched her continue to shake her head, occasionally mumbling things under her breath. After a few minutes, the mumbling stopped and everything was quiet. It remained that way for a while as we all sat and stared at the two girls. Funny thing is, it wasn't one of those awkward silences. Not at all. More like one of those comfortable silences where people just sit and enjoy the company of their friends. It was nice.

We sat there like that for about an hour before we heard snoring. We all turned to find Jimmy passed out on the sand. This made us all burst out in laughter, which in turn caused him to wake up.

"Huh? Whats so funneh?"

"YOU!" We all said at once before laughing some more.

"I guess we better get home then," Natalie said. She stood up, pulling Zacky with her before heading towards my car.

I grabbed Lynn and stood up, throwing her over my shoulder. She kicked and screamed all the way back to my car. When I put her down, she hit me playfully on the arm and I put a hurt look on my face.

"Don't even try it," she said.

Everybody loaded into my car and I drove back to the girls house. We all took turns using the two showers, then watched some Jeff Dunham and Family Guy before heading to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I know I said that I would post one person's point of view a chapter, but this one was obviously different. This is a rare thing, so you won't see it too often in this story.

And the ledge where Ellie was at, the water there is about five feet deep. Just thought I'd clear that up incase any of you were confused.

Ellie, Nicky, Lynn, and Natalie are (c) to me. Do not take them, or anything associated with them. I swear to god you will regret it if you do.

The Avenged Guys are all (c) to themselves.

The story is also (c) to me. Take it and I swear you will regret it.