
I am strong, for I was weak. I am weak, for I am strong. I am a descendent of the Kurushii clan. I believe in deception. I believe in seeing beyond. I believe in my gift of dokusho. I live in the moment, and plan for the future. My heart beats on my clan's ancestors' accord. My life is not mine own to live as I choose. It is for the sole purpose of bettering the future, no matter the cost.

It is in dying that we are freed from our clan's purpose. Only then can we choose our own way. No obstacle, no person, no feeling can stand in the way. There is no disobeying. There never was and there never will be. We are who we are and the future is what it is.

I am different from those around me. I have no goals and no aspirations. I do not play and I do not kid. We are unique, but we are one. We are a clan working as one whole, to accomplish an eternal deed. I have come to accept this.

When we are old enough to comprehend we are sent to a sacred pool of water. From the pool we pluck a stone. On that stone is inscribed our future. It is one of two, for there are only two paths of my clan. There is the path of the replicator, which is to grow learning the history of the clan and when reaching womanhood or manhood, marrying and multiplying the numbers of the clan through parenthood. The other is the path of the warrior, which is to grow learning the history of the ninja and fighting for the clan.

When I was of age, I was brought to the pool. From that pool I plucked a stone on which warrior was inscribed. Therefore, I was taught the ways of war and deceit.

When I reached womanhood, I was marked with my future. A single scar remains on my right cheek…a scar left by a slash of a sacred sword that marked me.

Four years ago I was given a part of my life mission. On the parchment bestowed upon me, I was told to follow a specific S ranked criminal, and to get him to respect me. That specific S ranked criminal is the sole pure blood survivor of the Uchiha clan. My clan and village sent me away, not to return until my mission is completed…or until I die in pursuit of it.

That all is what brought me to where I am standing now, in the noon sun with two strong chakras in my imminent path.
  1. Weak
    "You are weak. Why are you weak? Because you lack...hatred."
  2. Pathetic
    "I've had enough, there's no hope left for this pathetic clan."
  3. Fear
    "You hold onto the organisation and your clan name. These things limit us and limit our capacities… These things deserve to be shunned. It is foolish to fear what we've yet to see and know!"
  4. Training
    "Growth occurs when one goes beyond one's limits. Realising that is also part of training."
  5. Tsukuyomi
    "In the world of Tsukuyomi, its space, time, and substance are all controlled by me."
  6. Change
    "The people of this clan are all the same. You focus on the trivial, and lose sight of what's most important. Change is impossible, in this fog of ignorance. How can we evolve when regulation is all we know?"
  7. Useless
    "Orichimaru, before my eyes, all of your jutsu become useless."
  8. Appearance
    "I've told you before. You shouldn't make judgments about people based just on appearance."
  9. Choices
    "You’re such a child. You talk of nothing but pipe dreams… there are times when people must make painful choices."
  10. Protect
    "Don't cry, Sasuke. Your big brother is here to protect you, no matter what happens."