

Rain droplets fall from the dark clouds above me and I look up to the dreary sky. It's cold and unlike the two shinobi in front of me, I have neither cloak nor hat to keep the freezing cold drops from hitting my exposed skin. My long brown hair is pulled into a high ponytail but stray strands stick to my face. Goosebumps are arrayed on my pale skin and I rub my arms with my hands to try to warm them.

"We're almost there," Itachi informs me. I doubt Kisame needed informed—his smirk grew a few moments ago as he stared off at the landscape. I can't tell the difference. It all looks like trees to me.

"Where is 'there'?" I ask, pulling up closer to the two Akatsuki members.

"'There' is the Hidden Leaf Village," Kisame says with his evil smirk. I feel a shiver go down my spine. I blow a puff of air out to try to get an annoying strand of hair out of my eyes. It doesn't move and I violently pull it away with my hands.

"It's not very hidden for a Hidden Leaf Village." Kisame laughs beside me.

"No, it really isn't. Come to think of it…practically everyone has heard of it."

"Except me," I state.

"Yeah, except you," Kisame says and abruptly stops.

"What is it?" I say quickly.

"We need disguises. Do you know henge no jutsu?"

"No need," Itachi interrupts. "No one there will know her." They quickly form hand signs. Itachi's long black hair shortens to his ears and turns amber. Kisame shrinks, his blue skin becomes a dark chocolate brown, and his hair shaggy black. I look back and forth between the two and feel a little out of place, being the only one not in a disguise. But as Itachi said: there's no need.

"I'll go scout ahead and meet up with some people from the lightning village. I'll fit in there," Kisame says before sprinting off. Itachi turns to me and I take a step back.


"Hai?" I say hesitantly.

"Our mission is to scout the chunin exams which will be going on during this month. You have a solo mission as well." My muscles tense in anticipation. Finally, I'm trusted with a mission. "You must watch over a certain someone and ensure no major harm comes to him, whilst not exposing yourself. Understand?" So I'm babysitting.


"You must speak of this to no one, understand? Not Kisame, not leader, not even to me." I stare up into Itachi's emotionless face, his eyes betraying it and leaking out just a tad of some form of emotion. I can't tell exactly what it is. I might be good at reading people, but Itachi is on another level. But he seems almost…protective?

"Yes, Itachi-sensei, I understand. But who is this someone?" The emotion is gone and he turns away from me, to the path which leads to the main gate of the village.

"Sasuke…Sasuke Uchiha."

"Uchiha?" I blurt out. My question goes unanswered as Itachi begins to run and I am forced to follow, retreating from the subject. So Itachi has a relative still? But didn't he massacre them all? I push my bangs up with my hand. Did he miss one and now wishes to finish the job? I shiver and look at his back, still not used to his amber hair and change of clothes. I have never seen him in anything but his cloak and training clothes. But then again, who's to say if that is his real body or just a henge? So many secrets—so many gaps between my life mission and where I am. So many things I'll probably never know.


So. Cold.

Itachi and I arrived at the gate and I just stand there as Itachi explains our purpose for being there. "We're here to enter in the chunin exam. We have the necessary papers." Even in disguise, Itachi is as bleak and down to point as he usually is. He shows the papers and the shinobi on guard wave us to go through. Such low security for a shinobi village. We walk into the village and I find myself staring at every detail. The town is so warm and welcoming, who could not feel at home here? Except me, that is. I can't feel all warm and fuzzy here; I'm not on only one mission but two missions. Should I scout the area for this Sasuke Uchiha? I glance at Itachi. He said not to even mention it to him, so how shall I know? I sigh.

"I'm going to go check out the scenery. I'll check back in with you before dark," I tell Itachi and wave as I back away. Nothing passes his face as I go. I guess that means I chose the right thing. Now, to actually find Sasuke. I enter into a sprint on top of the buildings. I'll assume he has the dark hair and eyes Itachi. He may have the Uchiha symbol somewhere on his person, though if I were him I would not. Such a thing would be utterly humiliating—being part of a clan that nearly doesn't exist. My eyes are drawn to the makings of a fight and I jump down into the shadows, not bothering to activate my blood-line limit. I need to spare as much blood as possible.

"Basically I hate midgets…especially younger ones that are rude…makes me want to kill them," A boy with purple face paints and a black pullover outfits on says, a smaller boy with brown hair in his hands.

"Oh well, I'm not involved," A blond girl at the purple faces man's side says.

"You bastard!" A blond haired, blue eyed boy yells as the face-painted one.

"Well, after this one I'll take care of the other annoying midget."

"Hey!" The blond yells. Suddenly, a stone embeds itself into the purple face-painted boy's arm. He drops the brunette and looks up into a nearby tree.

"What are you doing in our village?" An onyx haired boy in the tree asks. My eyes focus in on him, studying the similarities and differences between him and Itachi-sensei. His hair is the same black and his eyes the same grey, but the look in Sasuke's eyes are different. Itachi's are apathetic, but this boy's…his are so full of hidden rage, so obviously full of loathing—but for whom? For the black-suited boy? For his clan? I gasp as a sudden idea enters my thoughts. For Itachi?

The scene in front of me fades from my vision. Itachi did kill the entire clan, did he not? It's rational to think that Sasuke despises him. My thoughts flicker toward Itachi. He asked me to watch over Sasuke, to make sure he doesn't get seriously harmed. It is heart-clenching to think that Sasuke hates the very man who is trying so desperately to protect him.

Why then? Why is Itachi trying to protect his brother? Why did he not kill him that day so many moons ago? Sasuke was the only other survivor and was merely eight years old. There is no way that he could have defended himself against someone, someone as incredibly strong as Itachi. I shiver and goose bumps appear on my skin. The sun is now shining but the wetness of my clothes cool my body temperature. I survey my surroundings and see that the groups of people have dispersed, leaving me crouching alone.

Sasuke Uchiha had, in a way, protected his fellow leaf shinobi against the sand squad. The words of my father ring clear through my head. You won't get anywhere helping those lower than you. They will just slow you down; hold you back from your true purpose. The weak are merely stepping stones to be used by the strong. I clench my hands at my sides, my head bent to the ground. Itachi's brother is weak; he helps those who are not as powerful as him, holding himself back from his true potential. Is this what you want me to do, Itachi—to help your brother truly become strong?

I stand from my crouching position and turn to the rising moon. I point my index and middle finger of my right hand to the flat palm of my left hand, placing it in front of my heart.

Itachi-sensei, you have my word; I will protect your little brother's life over my own.


I find Itachi at a small intersection of streets, leaning against a brick wall. My curiosity peaks. Does he sleep standing up? I've never seen him sleep. I walk over to him, ready to question him on where we will be staying, when he cuts me off with a steady glare. Most who see that glare would think they had angered him. I happen to know it is a warning to think about what you are about to do or say before acting.

"How was your afternoon? You missed a great tour; some of the sites were quite monumental," I say, forcing calm and easiness into my voice.

"I received a letter from our teammate. He will be arriving within two days. He apologizes for the delay." Right to the point as always, Itachi. My eyes dart around me. Is someone watching us? And what teammate—Kisame?

"Rai's two days late already! He better have a good reason for his tardiness." I cross my arms and pop a hip out to the side. I look into Itachi's eyes and pray to Kami that this "teammate" has not already been named.

"Yes, Rai better." A tug of a smirk on the left side of his lip. My arms uncross themselves as I stare in wonder. Is that real amusement or fake?

"I dare say you are mocking me in some form," I say, narrowing my eyes.

"Gentle as always, Nariko*." Gentle child? I'm not a child!

"Nari—just Nari."

"Hnn." Just a grunt, not even a word, I sigh. How would you feel if I started grunting at you?

"Joyful as always, Kaemon*," I say smirking. Itachi's eyes narrow in distaste and he pushes himself off the wall. Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned, and revenge is sweet!

"I'm always cheerful, Nariko. Can you not see the smile on my face?" He says with a deadpan expression as we begin to walk. I did not know that Itachi even knew of sarcasm.

"It must be hidden by the scowl."

"Ah." That still counts as a grunt.

"And the wrinkles—those too."

"I'm surprised you haven't mentioned the long hair." I like the long hair.

"I was just getting there, actually."

"Hnn." That's three now.

A shinobi, with a fox mask covering all of his face but two open wholes for eyes, appears in front of us. I jolt to a stop. This must be who was watching us. "Are you two from the Water Village?"

"Hai," Itachi responds. I shoot a glare his way. At least one of us knows the entire plan.

"Please come with me, the Hokage is ready to speak with you about your registration in the chunin exams." My pulse quickens. Have we been found out? Do they suspect? Perhaps we look too old to be taking a chunin exam. I should think of an excuse. The Hokage is serious and if he can't see under Itachi's guise than I don't know who can. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if no one can. He is a master of deception.

"Hai, I have a few questions myself," Itachi responds and runs with the masked shinobi. Are you kidding me? I speed off to catch up to them.
♠ ♠ ♠
* Nariko: Gentle child.

* Kaemon: Joyful one.