Status: Done

Fairy Tales Do Come True


Every girl dreams of their fairy tale wedding and spending their lives alongside their prince charming. I know I did until a certain point in my life but now everything's changed. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought of seeing myself in a beautiful white gown, minutes away from marrying the man of my dreams.
As I made sure everything looked right, I heard the door to my dressing room open.
"Noel, are you....oh my gosh..."
I turned around and saw my younger sister, Brittany standing there with tears slowly forming in the corners of her eyes. Behind her I could see my bridesmaids Sevie, Brooklyn, Stella, and Jasey.
"I thought this was a wedding not a hardcore boner fest." Brooklyn punched Sevie on the arm for her pervy yet funny remark.
"Don't listen to Sev, you look amazing Noel."
I smiled. "Thanks Brook. How's it looking out there?"
"Well your man looks like he's about to die."
I looked at Stella a bit terrified. "Ah what do you mean?!"
Jasey placed her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "Relax; he's just a bit nervous is all. Jonathan along with Marc and Kyle are trying to calm him down."
"Oh thank god. I was scared that he might call off the wedding."
"Why the heck would you think that missy?" Brittany asked.
I shrugged. "I don't know. That thought has always been in the back of my head from the very beginning."
"Seriously, you need to stop thinking about things like that. Negativity like that is not allowed right now or ever."
I smiled at Stella’s comment.
"Thanks. I know you're trying to cheer me up but I just can't help but think about stuff like that."
I made my way over to the white couch that sat against the wall of the dressing room. Sevie made her way over and sat down beside me. "I totally understand what you're going through Noel. I went through it too on the day of my wedding. Remember when I told you that it didn’t feel right to marry Jonathan cause of the whole age difference and also the fact that I was way too immature."
I nodded. "Yea I remember you telling me. What are you getting at though?"
She sighed. "You told me to think of the very first time I met Jonathan and how he made me feel and that as long as he brought a smile to my face and joy to my life, everything else didn’t matter. Maybe you should take your own advice on your special day."
" Noel, you gotta admit Sevie makes a point for once in her life." Sevie glared at Brooklyn. I looked at everyone's face and realized that maybe I should take my own advice.
"Come on guys, we gotta get ready." Jasey handed everyone their bouquet of red roses and formed in their assigned order. Brittany led the way out of the dressing room followed by Stella, Jasey, Brooklyn, Sevie, and lastly me. As the girl's made their way down the aisle I stayed behind and awaited my turn. While waiting I began having flash backs of the day Caleb and I met. An FTSK concert was what brought us together believe it or not. I, a regular fan, was able to catch his eye over thousands of girls. That night of the show we ended up talking all night. We talked with one another as if we knew each other for years when really we had only started talking hours ago. Towards the end of the night we exchanged numbers and from then on our friendship slowly began to develop into something much more.
As I continued to remember the past, I was told to take my position behind the large doors. I took a deep breath in and let it out once the doors were finally open. That’s when I began my last walk as Noel Hurley. The room was filled with family and close friends. I looked towards the end of the aisle and saw him standing there with a huge smile on his face, the very same smile that caused a swarm of butterflies to flutter around in my stomach. He's entire being just made me happy beyond belief. I finally got to him and looked at him straight in the eyes.
"You look beautiful."
I couldn't help but blush at his comment. I felt like I could melt at any moment with just the way he spoke to me. "Thank you. You look pretty amazing yourself."
Cue his beautiful smile. We faced the priest and the ceremony began. Throughout the ceremony, I heard people crying from behind. Then it came to the ring exchange. Caleb gently took a hold of my left hand, just like he did the day he proposed to me on the beach. He held my wedding ring to my ring finger and repeated what the priest said.
"I, Caleb Michael Turman, take you, Noel Hurley, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."
At that point, I couldn't fight back my tears. Once he placed the ring on my finger, I took a hold of Caleb's hand as I held his ring in the other. I then began my vows.
"I, Noel Hurley, take you, Caleb Michael Turman, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."
With the vows now said and done, next came the part I was looking forward to.
"With the power invested in me and here before the eyes of God I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Caleb sweetly cupped my face into his hands and placed a tender loving kiss on my lips as we heard the crowd cheer. Once we pulled away I smiled and looked him in the eyes.
"I love you Caleb."
He smiled and pecked me on the lips. "I love you too Noel."
We then turned to the audience hand in hand.
"Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Michael Turman."
Everyone stood up and clapped for us. Caleb and I then made our way down the aisle and thus our new lives began, my new life along side my own prince charming.
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:) Might do more one-shots, depending on feedback.