Sequel: Looking For Misery

This Fragile Game

I Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

Kennedy sat in the empty coffee shop holding onto a cup of coffee. He was wiating paitently for someone, Pat was at home sleeping. His kness bounced up and down as his body shivered from the non-existent cold. His figners ran around the coffee lid as the sound of the door oepning filled the half empty shop. Kennedy looked up to see a young blonde girl walking in. Her hair ran down to her waist in silky wavys and her skin as soft and pale as creamy milk.

"Hi Kennedy." she smiled taking a seat across from him.

"Hey Annable." he responded. "Would you like some coffee?" he asked.

"I want to know why I'm here." she said leaning forward on the table.

"Can't I see you?" Kennedy asked smirking slightly.

She smiled and nodded her head softly, "But it's been so long since you last called. Are you seeing someone else?"

Kennedy hesistated, "No, you're who I want."

Guilt filled inside of Kennedy. He shouldn't be doing this to Pat, he was already tos fragile. If he found out about this it'd break his repairing heart. He didn't want to think of Pat though, right now he was with Annabel.

At the end of the night Kennedy found himself heading back to Annabel's place. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but having Pat at home it makes it a problem. "Maybe I should go home." Kennedy said as he and Annabel walked down the streets.

"Please come with me." she begged batting her eyelashes.

Kennedy wrapped his arms around her thin waist. His mind wandered over to Pat, how betrayed would he feel? "Sure why not." Kennedy said grinning as he took hold of Annabel's hand. She smiled and leaned forward kissing Kennedy's lips softly.


Pat sat on Kennedy's bed staring at the clock. It was already 3 am and Kennedy was still out. He couldn't help but think of the worse, what if he got into a car accident? Robbed? Murdered? Pat began to sob as all these thoughts flashed through his mind.

Suddenly he found himself holding a razor to his scarred wrist. He found comfort in cutting, it helped him. He dragged the razor across his arm feeling the sudden rush of pain. He sighed and continued to make large deep gashes until all that he could see covering his arm was red.

6 am.

Pat woke up with an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He reached for his phone and dialed Kennedy's number, but it only went to voicemail. HE began to panic and dialed the next number that came to mind, John's.

"Hello?" John responded.

"J-John." Pat cried. "W-where's Kennedy?" he sobbed trying to grab hold of his breathing.

"Pat? What's wrong? Are you ok? I'm coming over." John said in panic as he slipped on some pants. "Try to breath Pat, ok I'll be there." John said getting into his car and quickly driving a few blocks to Kennedy's house.

He rushed into the house and up the stairs pushing open Kennedy's door. There lying on the bed was Pat, his arm was bleeding. Well it was bleeding, it seemed to have stopped and all was left were large jagged wounds. He must of passed out during his panic attack.

John pulled Pat out of his awkward postion on the bed and laid him on the bed more comfortably. He pulled the covers over his tiny body and went to the bathroom. He came back with a medical kit and began cleaning out Pat's cuts. Once Pat had bandages around his wrist John decided to call Kennedy.

He dialed the numbers and sat down next to Pat. "Hello?" Kennedy responded, sounding as though he just woke up.

"Kennedy where are you?" John asked.

"Hm? What? I'm at a friends house." Kennedy responded.

"Where were you last night?"

"I went with some friends to get a drink."

John didn't believe this. Mainly becuase Kennedy doesn't really have much of any friends and he doesn't like alocohol. "Pat called me in the middle of a panic attack asking for you."


"Is that all you have to say? Where were you really?" John asked wanting to know the truth.

Kennedy sighed and ran his figners through his hair glancing to Annabel next to him. "Meet me at my place and make sure Pat's really asleep. I don't want him overhearing anything."

An hour later John and Kennedy sat in the dinning room. They were both silent along with the rest of the house. "So what's up." John asked.

"I wasn't with any friends." Kennedy confessed.

"I knew that." John scoffed.

"I, I h-hooked up with Annable." He whispered.

"Y-you what!" John screamed. "How could you do that to Pat. He's already so fraigle and this is going to tear him apart. How could you be so sneseless!" John yelled.

"I never loved him." Kennedy hissed, "This was all to make him happy. To make sure he wouldn't hurt himself again." Kennedy said.

"Well your plan is failing becuase he's still hrting himself." John whispered.

Kennedy felt a pang of hurt as he relaxed into his seat. "Y-you won't tell him. That this is all a lie." Kennedy asked shyly rubbing at his bare arms.

"I should tell him, that's what any reasonable person would do." John said. "But I can't be the one to break him, which means you have to do it."

"Don't make me." Kennedy begged.

John simply gave him a knowing look, telling him he better tell Pat soon. Suddenly soft footsteps were heard running down the stairs followed by Pat throwing himself into Kennedy's arms. "I was so worried." he whispered cluctching onto Kennedy's shirt.

John couldn't help but stare with disgust. How could Kennedy do this to him?

Kennedy wrapped his arms around Pat's thin waist. "Sorry I worried you." he whispered glancing up to John for a moment.

John simply rolled his eyes and exited the room not being able to stare at the scene. Pat looked over to John with worry, he could feel the anger radiating off him and it worried him. "Kennedy what's wrong with John?" he asked in a small voice.

"Nothing. Don't worry about him." Kennedy mumbled nuzzling his face against Pat's shoulder. "Are you ok?" Kennedy asked changing the subject. "John told me he saw the cuts."

Pat shuddered and pulled his sleeves over his knuckles. "I'm f-fine." Pat whispered.

Kennedy stared at Pat for a while deciding it was time to tell him. "I-I c-can't be w-with you if you're hurting yourself." Kennedy said backing out last second. Why would he ever tell Pat that? He rather just break up with Pat and continue on hoping Pat would get over him.

Pat stared at Kennedy with wide eyes. "W-what?" he gasped feeling his eye water. "A-are y-you..." he couldn't even finish the question because Kennedy broke in,

"Yeah. I am."

Pat could feel his breath turn ragged as he pulled himself off Kennedy's lap. "Y-you can't!" Pat cried pulling at his hair and he slipped to the floor. "Please don't Kenny." he begged. "I love you." Pat whispered.

"I can't be with you Pat." Kennedy said calmly clenching his jaw. "I just can't."

John sat in the living room, he could hear Pat's cries and Kennedy's calm voice. Did he tell Pat the truth? Or did he just cover up the truth. John looked up seeing Pat running up the stairs. Standing up from the couch John walked into the dinning room where Kennedy was still. "I'm taking Pat to my place." John said.

Kennedy nodded softly, "He still doesn't know." Kennedy mumbled.

John nodded and pressed his lips together, "I know."


Pat sat on Kennedy's bed feeling the tears slipping from his eyes. Kennedy broke up with him. Kennedy broke up with him. He never expected this to happen, it was like a dream. No a nightmare.

"Patty cakes?" John whispered opening the door and seeing Pat sitting on the bed. He walked over to him and took a seat on the edge of the bed, reaching for Pat's small cold hand. "Come on, pack up your stuff and come with me and Garrett." John whispered.

Pat nodded and wiped at his eyes before throwing the small amount of things he owned into one suitcase. John took the suitcase and headed out the room grabbing Pat a sweater to wear. "Make sure Garrett doesn't see those new cuts, he'll kill you."

Pat nodded and followed John down the stairs. Kennedy watched as they headed out the door, his heart hurt. It felt like someone had ripped his heart out. He was watching his best friend leave him. Once they were gone Kennedy dialed Annabel's number.

"Wanna come over?" he asked nervously.

"I'll be there." Annabel said coolly.

Kennedy hung up and held back his tears. He wasn't going to cry. As long as Pat never found out the truth it would all be ok, Pat would be ok.
♠ ♠ ♠
and so the truth is revealed.