Sequel: Looking For Misery

This Fragile Game

Some People Never Change

Pat got off the staged clutching his drumsticks in his small hands as he bounced around backstage. He was hyper, like extremely hyper. Right before The Maine’s set he drank a can of Red Bull and a 5 hour energy drink leaving his on a sugar high.

“Kennedy let s go hurry!” Pat said pulling on his band mate’s sleeve. “Hurry.” He whined.

Kennedy sighed; giving Pat sugar is like giving John alcohol. Basically Pat is drunk of sugar right now. Kennedy followed behind his friend as they headed to their merch table. They met a few fans, sighed a few posters and took a few pictures before heading to their van.

Pat was still on his sugar high and Kennedy could tell that John was about ready to rip off Pat’s head. John wasn’t really fond of the younger boy, he defiantly didn’t hate him John could never hate the small bundle of joy but that didn’t mean his didn’t get annoyed. “Shut up Pat!” John said finally cracking.

Pat completely stopped talking and his whole face fell with sadness. His bottom lip began to quiver as he stared at the ground, “S-sorry.” He whispered.

Kennedy frowned and reached for his best friend’s hand holding it tightly in his hand, “He’s just tired Pat.” Kennedy whispered.

Pat nodded as everyone got into the van and drove to the cheap hotel they would stay in for the night. Pat was excited and talked nonstop during the ride, completely forgetting John’s outburst early that evening.

Kennedy pretended he was listening to Pat when in actuality he really wished Pat would shut up. He would never tell the small boy that, that would earn him the cold shoulder for the rest of the night and he certainly didn’t want that.

They finally arrived at the hotel and everyone poured out the van grabbing their things before heading to the lobby while Tim checked everyone in. Pat ran over to the vending machines getting himself a bag of sour patch kids and a soda before hurrying back to his group of friends.

“Ok so room assignments,” Tim said. “Garrett and John, Kennedy and Pat and lastly Jared and I.” Tim said handing everyone their keys.

“Are you sure you should eat all that sugar before bed?” Jared asked staring at Pat with concern. “You still haven’t crashed from your sugar high from, 2 hours ago.” He quickly added.

Pat shrugged and followed behind Kennedy as they headed toward their room. Kennedy opened the door to the room and Pat hurried to the bed next to the door throwing himself on it. “I call this bed!” he called.

“Why do you always get the door bed?” Kennedy asked throwing his things on the other bed as Pat chugged the last of his drink.

“Because what if someone sneaks in, the first person to die is the one by the window.” Pat stated smiling widely.

“What if they get in through the door?” Kennedy asked as he unmade his bed.

Pat shrieked and threw himself toward Kennedy’s bed crawling under the covers and brining the covers over his head. “Save me.” He cried.

Kennedy rolled his eyes and pulled the covers off of Pat, “I’m going to take a shower.” He said as he headed toward the bathroom to shower while Pat turned on the television.

Pat flipped through the channels only finding late night television that didn’t really interest him. He tossed and turned on the bed staring at the bathroom door waiting for Kennedy to come out. He bit his lip and picked at the sheets underneath him.

Finally the door opened and Kennedy walked out with just a white towel hung lowly on his hips. Pat continued to chew on his lips staring at Kennedy’s naked chest. “C-can I s-sleep with you?” Pat asked not daring to meet the other’s eyes.

“Are you really that scared?” Kennedy asked scooting over in the bed and patting the stop next to him. Pat smiled and curled into Kennedy’s side shutting his eyes and sighing deeply.

“I’ll see you in the morning.” Kennedy whispered against Pat’s hair as he felt his eyes beginning to slip shut.

Pat however remained awake just watching Kennedy as he sleep soundlessly. He turned off the t.v. and pushed curled more into Kennedy’s side watching him with a soft smile.

Hours passed as Pat continued to day dream in Kennedy’s arms. He really wanted to fall asleep, he was desperate to fall asleep but he knew he couldn’t. Sighing loudly Pat glanced at Kennedy one last time before checking the time,


He silently and carefully pulled himself away from Kennedy’s grasp before grabbing his things and heading into the bathroom for a shower. He started the water and slipped his clothes off before stepping inside. The warm water ran down Pat’s thin body as he reached for the bottle of body wash he brought with him and ran it in a washcloth.

After his shower he quickly got dressed before exiting the bathroom. Kennedy was still asleep, his whole body occupying the bed and Pat couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. Pat grabbed all his things and packed them up setting them by the door.

He hurried to Kennedy’s beside and shook his thin arm, “Kenny?” Pat called. “Kenny wakey wakey.” He giggled poking Kennedy in the chest.

Kennedy grumbled before sitting up and smiling at his friend, “Always the first up.” He laughed sitting up and stretching before pulling the blankets off his body. “What time is it?” he asked through a yawn.

“Uh, eight.” Pat said sitting on the bed and turning on the t.v to morning cartoons. “Hurry and get ready, Jared sent me a text we have to be in the lobby by eight thirty.” Pat said keeping his eyes on the t.v.

Kennedy grabbed some clothes and quickly slipped them on. As he was getting ready his cell phone rang, Kennedy quickly ran to it checking the caller id and smiling widely. “I’ll be back.” he whispered heading out the small balcony in the room. He closed the door behind him and Pat frowned.

He knew who was calling him, his wonderful sweet girlfriend. Pat felt tears pricking at his eyes, he could feel his heart clenching as he heard Kennedy laughing at something she said. Pat wiped at his eyes but the tears continued to fall.

“I love you too.” Kennedy said from outside.

Pat continued to cry, wishing that Kennedy had said this to him and not that girl. The sliding doors opened and Kennedy stepping inside. “Ready to go?” Kennedy asked slipping his phone into his pocket as he grabbed his and Pat’s bags.

Pat nodded slowly hiding behind his thick hair as he followed Kennedy out the room and out to the main lobby where the rest of the band was waiting. Pat sat down next to John and brought his knees up to his chest holding them tightly.

Everyone around him was chattering, talking about upcoming shows and meaningless
things. Kennedy came from behind Pat and set their things on the floor beside the couch and sat next to Pat. Kennedy listened intently as his friends spoke but his main focus was on Pat the boy just ran off without an explanation.

“You ok?” Kennedy whispered to Pat reaching for his hand but Pat flinched away.

“I’ll wait in the van.” Pat mumbled against his sleeve covered arms before unfolding himself and hurrying out to the van. He quickly climbed in and let the tears fall from his eyes.

All he wanted was Kennedy, it’s so hard for anyone to comprehend?
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