Sequel: Looking For Misery

This Fragile Game

Replay All The Things That I Tried To Say

Kennedy was growing impatient. He looked to Pat who still didn’t wake up, and it’s the fifth day. The doctor was growing worried, whenever someone asked about why he’s still out he didn’t know how to respond correctly.

All Time Low came the other day, the third day Pat was out expecting him to wake up to a room full of friends and loved ones. But he never woke up. Everyone is still hanging out around the city waiting for Pat, not wanting to continue the tour until The Maine has their drummer.

“When is he waking up?” Jack whined sitting next to Kennedy in Pat’s private room. “I’m tired of waiting.” He added.

Kennedy sighed and continued to stroke Pat’s hand, he wanted Pat to wake up too but he’s being patient about it. “Hopefully soon.” Kennedy responded.

Alex entered the room holding take out in his hands. He smiled at both the boys setting the food on the small table in the room. “I thought I bring you guys some food.” Alex said handing each boy their take out box.

Jack squealed and grabbed his ripping off the top and munching on the chow mein. He smiled up to Alex showing the small pieces of noodles stuck in his teeth. Alex chuckled and pulled up a seat sitting in front of both boys. “Did the doctor give him a check up?” Alex asked softly.

Kennedy shook his head poking at his chicken with his fork. He wasn’t hungry, he was too nervous to eat. “They just checked his vitals, nothing new. They still don’t know when he’ll wake up.” Kennedy said setting his food aside and taking Pat’s hand in his own again.

Alex sighed and stared at the Pat. He was extremely worried for the small boy; he didn’t know how he was going to react when Pat woke up. He didn’t want to treat him as fragile as glass but he doesn’t want to be careless with his words.

“Are you ok?” Kennedy asked looking over to Alex.

Alex laughed lightly looking over to Jack who was in his own little world not processing what’s going on around him. “How am I supposed to treat him?” Alex asked looking to
Kennedy. “I’m afraid if I say something he’ll get over emotional.”

“Just treat him normally; I’m sure he’d hate it if you treated him like a mental case.” Kennedy said.

Pat didn’t dare open his eyes, he could hear everything going on around him but he was scared to open his eyes. He knew that the second he opened his eyes something would be different, he might have lost someone and he wouldn’t be able to handle another person leaving his life.

He could hear Kennedy’s voice, and Alex’s soft scared voice. Finally deciding it was time he began to stir on the bed, he quickly realized how weak he felt. He opened his eyes but squinted at the sudden brightness. He closed his eyes again and opened them slowly letting himself adjust to the brightness. “K-Kennedy.” He asked, his voice raspy and rough.

Kennedy jumped up and quickly ran to Pat’s bedside. “Oh thank god.” Kennedy cried. “Alex go get a nurse.” Kennedy quickly said not taking his eyes off Pat. “Are you ok, nothing’s hurting right?” Kennedy asked.

“Just my wrist.” Pat whispered. “Where’s Tim, I want Tim.” Pat said looking up to Kennedy.
Kennedy felt guilty suddenly. Pat wanted his older brother, his older brother that left him. Pat continued to stare up at Kennedy with his big brown eyes and Kennedy couldn’t help the feeling of guilt, he looked so innocent.

Just then the nurses and a doctor came in checking over Pat. The doctor took Kennedy aside and explained some things to him, telling him Pat would need to stay in the hospital for a few days before they transferred him the 6th floor.

The Adolescent Behavior Center.

Once the nurses and doctors left Pat turned back to Kennedy asking the same question, but Kennedy still refused to speak.

“Go back to the hotel and get some rest, Zack and I will stay here with Pat.” Alex said softly to Kennedy.

Kennedy bit his lip looking to Pat who was having small talk with Zack. He smiled slightly as he noticed the smile on Pat’s face as Zack told him some jokes, “Ok.” He agreed smiling as he walked over to Pat’s bed. “Pat I’m going to go take a nap then I’ll be back.” Kennedy said softly.

“Call Tim.” Pat said wanting his older brother by his side.

Kennedy couldn’t get himself to tell Pat the truth. He looked to Alex for help but realized Alex didn’t know what’s going on. All he knows is that that Pat tried to kill himself for unknown reasons and wants his older brother. “Alex can you let us talk in private.” Kennedy whispered.

Alex nodded and looked to Zack gesturing for him to follow him out the room. They exited and closed the door behind them. Kennedy took a deep breath and took a seat on the edge of Pat’s bed, “Tim left.” Kennedy whispered.

Pat looked up to Kennedy with big confused eyes, “W-why?” he asked not understanding it.

“I told him. I told him you’re gay and he left. He d-doesn’t k-know what to think about it.” Kennedy finally said.

Pat stared at Kennedy with shock as tears began to leak from his eyes. Tim left me. Pat began to sob curling up in a small ball, another person left his life. Kennedy tried to hold Pat and comfort him but Pat fought against him. “Leave!” Pat cried.

“Pat stop screaming.” Kennedy advised. “You’re too weak.” He added trying to calm down Pat.

Pat shook his head and pushed Kennedy with all his might, “Why does everyone hate me!” he cried. “What have I done to lose everyone?”

Kennedy shook his head, “Pat no, no one left you.”

“Yes they did. John hates me and you hate me and now my own brother hates me!” Pat screamed failing his arms around. “I should die; I don’t deserve to be alive.” Pat cried falling onto the bed.

The nurses hurried in checking up on Pat. They grabbed some restraints and wrapped them tightly on Pat’s wrist and ankles. Kennedy watched from the sidelines hating how they were treating Pat like he’s some beast on an angry rampage.

“I’m sorry we have to do this to you, but it’s a policy.” One of the nurses said finishing with the restraints. “We didn’t think you’d need it.” she added.

One of the other nurses turned to Kennedy, “I’m sorry sir but you need to leave.” She said pushing Kennedy out the door.

“No he needs me!” Kennedy said trying to push against her. “He needs me.” Kennedy screamed trying to make his way to Pat.

“Sir please leave before we call security and prohibit you from ever seeing him again.” She said pushing Kennedy toward the door.

Kennedy sighed and looked over to Pat, “I’ll come by tomorrow.” Kennedy said exiting the room. Outside Alex and Zack were waiting both of them staring at Kennedy with worry.

“What happened?” Alex asked.

“Pat got upset at something.” Kennedy whispered. “Anyway promise me you’ll stay here until Garrett or Jared comes by to keep him company.” Kennedy begged of the boys.

“Of course.” Zack said.

Kennedy smiled and gave both boys a half hug before exiting the hospital. His mind was filled with thoughts, all revolving around Pat. He didn’t want to break the news to Pat but there was no other. He needs to fix this, he needs to talk to Tim and fix their relationship before it’s too late.

Kennedy arrived at the hotel they’ve been staying at since the incident. He quickly headed inside and into the room John and Tim where sharing. Tim laid on his bed with his iPhone in hand, he looked so chill and calm and the sight angered Kennedy. “How could you?” he yelled storming is way to Tim. “Pat needs you and you just throw him aside like he’s garbage.” Kennedy yelled.

Everyone in the room fell silent, stopping what they were doing and looking at Kennedy with fear. “I’m not going to have a faggot brother.”

“Pat woke up and the first thing he asked for was for his brother, do you understand how hard it is to explain to him that his brother left him. He has it in his mind that no one wants him.” Kennedy said, his voice growing smaller with each word.

Tim’s eyes softened a bit as he stared at Kennedy on the verge of a breakdown. But that didn’t stop his view point on Pat’s life decision. “Once Pat’s ok, and this tour is over I never want to see him again.” Tim said calmly waking toward the door of the hotel room.

Kennedy’s hands clenched at his side as he glared at the man. Without thinking he punched Tim square in, he felt his wrist crack followed by pain shooting through his forearm but he didn’t care. Tim looked up to Kennedy with blood oozing from his nose, “Are you sticking up for him?” Tim asked through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, because he’s my friend and I don’t care if he’s gay and you shouldn’t either. He’s still Pat.” Kennedy whispered. He couldn’t believe it took him this long to realize this, but he loves Pat and he rather have Pat gay then dead.

Tim simply grunted at Kennedy and stormed out the room leaving Kennedy with a broken wrist. “You broke your wrist.” Jared said looking at the man; Kennedy’s bone was popping out of place. It’s looked disgusting.

“It hurts like a bitch.” Kennedy admitted not daring to move his wrist around.

“Let’s take you to the hospital.” Garrett sighed grabbing the keys to the rental car. The all headed toward the hospital to fix Kennedy’s wrist, he simply got a brace around it.

Once Kennedy was set to go they went to Pat’s room to visit. The four boys walked in holding balloons and stuffed animals, because Pat loves stuffed animals. Kennedy held a box of candies for him and a stuffed penguin, “Pattycakes!” Kennedy called as he entered the room.

Alex immediately shushed him gesturing to Pat sleeping soundlessly in his bed. He was already cuddling with the teddy bear Jack brought him, chewing softly on the ear of the bear. He looked so sweet and innocent, sleeping for the first time in really long time.

Kennedy and the guys dropped the stuff off and took seats around Pat’s bed. Each boy stared at Pat, they were so relieved he was ok. They wouldn’t know what they’d do if Pat had passed.

Kennedy sat thinking things over in his head, he knew what he was going to do to prevent something like this from every happening again.

He could only hope Pat doesn’t realize his true intentions.
♠ ♠ ♠
shame on you Tim.
I'm watching George Lopez right now, it's not a good idea since i'm getting distracted.
thanks for all the comments, you guys are the best :3