Sequel: Looking For Misery

This Fragile Game

To End It All Inside Again

Pat watched as Kennedy placed all his gifts in a bag. He was being transferred to the 6th floor today. Pat handed Kennedy the last of his stuffed animals before sitting on his bed. he was already dressed in some black jeans and a plaid shirt.

They were only waiting on Jared to bring him some more clothes.

pat sat on the bed watching as Kennedy made sure everything was packed and ready to go. Once Kennedy was sure everything was set he sat next to Pat taking Pat's hand in his own. "Can I ask you something?" Kennedy asked.

Pat looked up to Kennedy, "S-sure." he mumbled beginning to chew on his bottom lip.

Kennedy took a deep breath, "D-do you want to me my b-boyfriend?"

Pat stared at Kennedy with shock. Was Kennedy really asking him this? Was he dreaming? Did he ever really wake up from coma?

"Pat?" Kennedy chuckled pushing the hair from Pat's face. "Are you ok?"

Pat nodded and smiled softly, "Of course." he couldn't believe his dream is coming true. He's wanted this since he met Kennedy. Pat squealed and threw his arms over Kennedy kissing his cheek repeatedly.

Kennedy chuckled and wrapped his arms around Pat's thin waist. They both remained in that embrace for awhile until a nurse came in, "It's time for Pat to transfer." she said softly.

Kennedy stood up and reached for Pat's hand holding it tightly. Jared strolled holding a small duffle bag filled with Pat's clothes. Jared stopped when he saw Kennedy's arm around Pat's waist, "Um what's going on?" he asked setting the bag on the bed.

"Pat and I are together." Kennedy answered tightening his grip around Pat's waist.

Jared stared at the two boys with confusion, "Y-you guys are gay?" he asked with shock. "I don't have a problem with it or anything I accept it but, isn't it a bit to soon for Pat?" Jared asked with concern.

Pat shook his head, "I'm fine." he answered.

Jared stared at both boys. He doesn't want Pat to be dating, he just recovered from a suicide attempt and he still needs to enter the mental ward to get better for tour. Adding a relationship to everything could make it worse. For both of them.

"I don't know guys, Pat still needs help." Jared whispered. "I mean shouldn't Pat's well being be put first?"

"Jared, I'm fine." Pat insisted.

"Let's take you up to the sixth floor ok." Jared sighed grabbed Pat's bag and heading out the room.

Pat frowned and looked down to the floor. His fingers began to twitch for a razor, for anything. Was Jared lying to him? Did Jared even support their relationship?

Pat felt Kennedy's hand on his wrist and he glanced down to see he was scratching his bandage wrist. He looked up to Kennedy with tears in his eyes, "S-sorry."

Kennedy shook his head and held Pat's hand tighter, "Let's go." he whispered leading Pat out the room.

The took the elevator to the sixth floor which was 2 floors up. Pat was shaking next to Kennedy, he was scared and nervous. He was going to be put in a crazy place with other crazy people. He wasn't even crazy!

The elevator dinged and everyone stepped out, Pat was glued to Kennedy's side as the registered him into the ward. He didn't want Kennedy and Jared to leave him alone.

"I promise to visit every day." Kennedy said to Pat after he got settled in.

Pat looked up to Kennedy with tears in his eyes, "P-please d-don't go." Pat begged.

Kennedy sighed and pulled Pat into a tight hug. "It's going to be ok." he assured him. "They can't keep you forever."

After fifteen minutes Pat was finally called into group therapy. Pat finally released Kennedy wiping his tears from his face and leaving Kennedy and Jared behind.

Kennedy watched as Pat left them by the exit of the floor. He didn't want to leave Pat here alone, Pat wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Let's go." Jared whispered as they sighned out. They exited the building and headed toward their rental car.

Kennedy really didn't want to leave Pat alone but he had. It's all part of the process of healing for Pat. They pulled into the parking lot of the motel, the boys of All Time Low where hanging outside building just chilling.

Kennedy stepped out of the car joining the group of guys, "Hey." he greeted softly.

"How's Pat?" Jack asked.

"He's in the hospital right now, he'll be there for a week." Jared answered for Kennedy. "Do you think we can handle holding on for a week?" Jared asked.

"Yeah, we sent a tweet out to the fans explaining that Pat go sick and needs a few weeks to get better." Rian said.

"That's good." Kennedy whispered as the group grew silent. Just then John appeared walking out the automatic doors of the hotel. Everyone turned to him, he looked sick himself. His skin was very pale and his hair was greasy and stringy. He looked like a mess, but Kennedy couldn't judge. Everyone looked like a mess.

"Hey." John whispered greeting the group. He stared directly at Kennedy, "Can I speak to you privately?" he asked.

Kennedy nodded softly and followed John to where all the buses where parked. They both stood by their bus awkwardly, John not knowing what to say and Kennedy waiting for John to say something.

"I'm sorry." John finally said. "I was so stupid for treating Pat like that." he added.

"You shouldn't tell me that." Kennedy said. "Tell that to Pat."

"Will you let me visit him tonight?" John asked. Kennedy nodded softly letting a smile show. "Are we cool then?" John asked sticking his hand out for Kennedy to shake.

Kennedy chuckled and gave John a back crushing hug. "Of course." he whispered.
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sorry this took a long time. school's been kicking my ass, then again it's senior year too.
thanks to everyone who commented, you guys are awesome lovely people :P