Sequel: Looking For Misery

This Fragile Game

But I'm Still the Same

Pat was ready to be released. He couldn't believe the time spam of 2 weeks went by so quickly. He was excited to get back to tour, back to his friends and fans. Back to the stage, back to being himself.

He packed up the small amount of clothes he was given while at the hospital. Kennedy sat on his perfectly made bed watching Pat carefully fold each article of clothing and placing his toothbrush and hairbrush on on top of everything.

"Ready." Pat announced swinging his bag over his shoulder and following Kennedy out his white room. They walked down the halls finally arriving at the nurse station where Jared and Garrett were at discharging him. Pat stood next to Jared and watched as Jared filled out some papers and was given some anti-depressants for Pat to take every morning. Pat was given his shoes, which he missed greatly, and other things he had on him that he could of used to harm himself.

Pat was given a questioner to fill out and created a "contract" that he wouldn't use SI anymore. Once Pat had all his papers on how to cope with stress and emotions he was set to go. Kennedy took Pat's hand in his own and lead him toward the exit doors.

Pat couldn't help but feel excitement as he stepped out into the free world. After being locked away from society for a few weeks he was being to think he'd go insane. Pat wasn't expecting much of difference when he stepped foot out of the hospital. He wasn't expecting to step foot into a communist country, or a civil war zone.

But he knew some things have changed in the last month he was absent. The first thing Pat saw when he exited was All Time Low waiting by a large rental van. Pat smiled softly and approached the boys.

"Pat!" Jack shrieked throwing his arms over the fragile boy. "I missed you." he said releasing Pat.

Pat giggled and hugged Alex, Zack and Rian before climbing into the van. John sat in the far back corner, where Pat usually sits. Pat bit his lip and looked down to the floor of the van, having no choice but having to sit next to John.

"Hey." John whispered softly smiling up at Pat.

Pat smiled back lightly getting comfortable in his seat. "Don't you hate me?" Pat asked softly not daring to meet John's eyes.

"I can't hate you Pat, you're like my annoying little brother." John chuckled swinging his arm over Pat's shoulder. "I'm sorry for being an ass." he apologized.

Pat smiled and wrapped his thin arms around John's waist. He nuzzled his face into the crock of John's neck, "Thanks." Pat whispered.

"For what?"

"Not hating me." Pat murmured against John's shoulder.

After a semi long drive they arrived to the hotel. Pat suddenly felt nervous, this was the same building he tried to off himself in, Anyone would be nervous for having to return to the crime scene. Everyone piled out the van and headed into the main lobby.

Pat looked for Kennedy in their semi-large group but couldn't seem to find him. He felt his breathing quicken and his body shake as he searched frantically for his boyfriend.

"Pat! Pat calm down."

Pat looked up to see Kennedy standing in front of him with all the other guys behind him. Pat quickly threw himself into Kennedy's arms while crying softly, "I thought you left me." Pat sobbed.

Kennedy sighed and held Pat closer stroking his finger's through Pat's greasy hair. "I would never do that." Kennedy whispered.

Once everyone was sure that Pat was ok they headed into the main lobby and straight to the attached restaurant. Pat grabbed Kennedy's hand finally noticing the Ace bandage wrapping it. "What happened?" Pat asked lifting his and Kennedy's hand to show him what he meant.

Kennedy chuckled a bit, "I kinda punched Tim." Kennedy admitted bashfully. "He was upsetting me."

Pat nodded softly his mood suddenly sinking. He didn't want to think about Tim and what must of happened while he was in the hospital. He never got a visit or call from Tim or his parents so he assumes his parents must know he's a "Fag". Pat looked up from the ground and entered the small restaurant noticing the one person he really didn't want to see sitting there.


Pat bit his lip and hid behind Kennedy. "Can w-we leave?" Pat begged softly.

"You need to eat, it's looks like they haven't feed you in the place." Garrett interrupted loudly causing none other than Tim to look up.

Pat stared at his older brother with large eyes, tears threatening to spill over. Tim scowled and stood up grabbing his coffee cup and book walking up to Pat, who was hiding behind Kennedy.

"You are a disgrace." Tim sneered. "Just so you know when this tour is over I never want to see you again."

Pat's bottom lip began to quiver as the words flowed from his brother's mouth. "T-Tim?" Pat whispered hopelessly.

"I said don't talk to me." Tim snapped pushing past the couple and heading toward the lobby.

Pat wiped at his eyes and grabbed onto Kennedy's hand tighter. "W-what a-am I suppose to d-do when I get home?" Pat asked trying to prevent himself from crying.

"You'll stay with me." Kennedy stated proudly.

Pat bit his lip looking a bit hesitantly, "Y-you d-don't have to." Pat stuttered softly.

"I want to." Kennedy assured kissing Pat's cheek softly.

Everyone in the group awkwardly took their seats around a large table in the far corner. Pat sat in between John and Kennedy smiling softly as he reached for Kennedy's hand. A waitress made her way to the table holding a notepad and a pen. "Hello I'm Melissa and I'll be your server,"

"Hi Melissa!" Jack and Garrett greeted enthusiastically.

She smiled softly and looked to the whole group, "What can I get you guys to drink." she asked holding her pen to her notepad.

Mostly everyone ordered soda or some weird ice tea drink, but Pat. He ordered a water with ice. Everyone at the table stared at him, it wasn't normal for Pat to order water. If anything he'd jump to the milkshake section and order some odd Oreo shake or something.

Once the waitress left everyone engaged in small talk. Alex and Rian discussed the pro's and con's of each dish on the menu while Jared and Zack talked about where the nearest gym might be, although Jared doesn't even really like working out.

Kennedy talked to John while rubbing his thumb over Pat's hand softly. Pat smiled silently sipped on his water while listening to each conversation of everyone. He liked this atmosphere, he felt like he was with a family that could always make him smile.

The waitress came back with everyone's drinks and took everyone orders. Pat listened as everyone got something fattening, he still couldn't eat fattening food. One thing he never mentioned while at the hospital was his eating habits. No one really suspected it either, he ate his meals everyday but when he slipped back into his room he would throw it all up.

"I'l h-have t-the c-chef salad." Pat mumbled softly, again earning odd looks from everyone at the table.

Once the waitress left and everyone started talking again Kennedy leaned over to Pat, "What's wrong?" he whispered against Pat's ear.

Pat shuddered a bit, "Nothing." he mumbled back.

Pat know's he can't eat anything, if he does he'll get fat and Kennedy wouldn't want him anymore. He needs to keep his weight down, for the sake of his relationship with Kennedy.
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sorry for the long wait, school's been taking up all my time.
thanks to everyone that commented/subscribed.
I still have a few chapters left of this story until it's finished :(